Stages that a bill shall go through before it comes into operation as an Act of Parliament

A Bill may be defined as draft law or legislation. It is statute in draft or law in its draft form. The constitution of Kenya and the National Assembly Standing Orders prescribe the stages through which a Bill must pass to become an act of parliament.
Publication in the Kenya
gazette Readings:

  1. First reading –The Bill is read for the first time; no debate takes place
  2. Second reading –The Bill is read for the second time and it is debated on
  3. Committee stage –The Bill is referred to a select committee for a critical analysis.
  4. Report stage –The chairman of the select committee reports to the National Assembly.
  5. Third reading –The Bill is read for the third time and if adopted it is voted on.
  6. President’s assent –Section 46 (2) of the Constitution
  7. Publication in the Kenya gazette –Section 46 (6) of the constitution.
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