Definition: This is the employment of the right type of worker in a department or an organization.


Definition: It is that process of identifying the overall tasks, activities and responsibilities within an organization. This helps to picture out the type of persons to perform those tasks.

1. It’s used in employment.
2. It’s used in fixing salaries.
3. It’s used to identify those to undergo training.
4. It’s used to identify those to be promoted.
5. It’s used in identifying the workers who have no respect to the policies, procedures and methods.
6. It’s a basis for merging departments.

By the end of the topic you should be able:
1. To trace the staffing process
2. Highlight the importance of job analysis
3. To differentiate between recruitment and selection
4. To highlight the internal recruitment methods

1. When the workers give conflicting information about their tasks, a job analyst is forced to use guess work.
2. It requires a lot of time to cover all jobs which is always lacking.
3. If there is change in management the job analysis results may be rejected and therefore a waste to an organization.
4. When workers do not co-operate with the job analyst then information will be given rendering the result ineffective.

Definition: It’s a process of stimulating people to apply for vacancies in an organization. There are two methods of recruitment i.e.
1. Internal Method.
2. External method.

INTERNAL METHOD / Recruitment at the factory gate.
It’s where vacancies are filled from inside an organization by considering the employees serving in that organization.

1. Permanent workers
This is where the permanent workers are considered to fill the top level jobs.
2. Casual workers / temporal workers
They are considered in filling lower level jobs.
3. Retrenchment workers
Retrenchment workers can be considered to fill vacancies that have arisen.
4. Retired workers
This is where the retired are considered for jobs on contractual basis.
5. The deceased dependants
This is where the dependants are given within the organization.

1. It motivates the workers.
2. It is a policy of an organization (rule)
3. To please the trade unions.
4. To reduce the costs in recruitments i.e advertisements.
5. If the organization wants to maintain their organizational culture.

It’s filling of the jobs from outside an organization.

1. Education institutions
This is where recruitment is done from the colleges where training occurs.
2. Head-hunting
This is where an organization goes for a particular person to fill a vacancy. It’s always used to fill top level positions.
3. Public agency
This is a recruitment firm that is financed by the state to offer services to organizations in that state. The organization does not pay anything.
4. Private agency
This is a privately owned recruitment firm that offers services to organizations at a fee e.g man power, price water house coopers.
5. Data banks
This is information about an unsuccessfully applicants that is kept by firms and can be reverted to when a vacancy arises or the information can be shared by another firm.

1. If they want to change their organizational culture
2. If they want to earn the society of goodwill.
3. It’s a large pool with trained and experienced people.
4. If the organization desires to get a person associated with success in other places to their organization.
5. If an organization has a desire of getting competitor workers to inject the secrets of their former employee to the organization.
6. If it’s the requirement of the state to help in alleviating unemployment and discrimination.

It’s the choosing of the right person o be offered a job.
1. Interviewing
This is face to face interaction with the prospective employee with a view of getting first hand information to be used in making a choice.
2. Benchmarking
This is where a comparison is done by considering the applicants qualifications by those of a performing worker before making a choice.
3. Reference checking
This is where the reference are called upon to give information about the applicant before the decision is done.
4. Tests: Applicants can be given tests and chosen upon passing them.
5. Filling the application blank.
6. Use consultants.
7. Assessment enters.

Definition: This is the process of ensuring that the workers are highly motivated so that they work with he firm for a long time without wishing to leave for other places.
The following factors contribute to retention:-

1. If the organization provides opportunities for training and development of its work force.
2. Rewards, if workers are given a better salary comparable to other organizations.
3. Job security; if workers are assured of a security of their jobs they will not be willing to more away but will want to grow with the organization.
4. Filling of vacancies; if vacancies are filled internally then labor turn-over will be reduced.
5. Rules and policies; the rules and policies must be worker friendly to ensure for their continual existence.
6. Management practices; if managers use better management practices that are worker friendly to ensure then the workers will see no reason to want to leave.
7. Better working conditions.
8. Provision of welfare services e.g. house allowance, medical allowance, transport allowances e.t.c.

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