Special Considerations in the Case of a Company

In addition to the procedures described above, the auditor· should also employ the following procedures in the case of audit of a company.

  1. In determining whether the loans obtained by the company are within its powers, the auditor should scrutinise its memorandum and articles of association and also examine whether the provisions of sections 292 and 293(1(d) of the Companies Act, 1956 are complied with.
  2.  The auditor should examine the register of charges to ensure that charges created have been duly registered. He should also ensure that the description of such charges disclosed in the balance sheet agrees in substance with that stated in the documents creating the charges.
  3.  The auditor should examine all loans taken from bodies corporate under the same management or from a company, firm or other party in which any director is interested and determine whether, in his opinion, the rate of interest and other terms and conditions of the loans are prime facie prejudicial to the interest of the company.
  4. Where the company has accepted deposits, the auditor should examine compliance with the relevant legal provisions, e.g., section 58A of the Companies Act, 1956 and the rules framed thereunder/directions issued by the Reserve Bank of India.
  5. In respect of unclaimed dividends, the auditor should examine whether the company has complied with the provisions of section 205A of the Companies Act, 1956 and the rules framed thereunder regarding transfer of certain unpaid or unclaimed dividends to a special bank account/general revenue account of the Central Government.
  6.  The auditor should examine whether any undisputed amounts payable in respect of income-tax, wealth tax. sales tax, customs duty and excise duty are outstanding as at the balance sheet date for a period of more than six months from the date they became payable. If so, the auditor should report the amounts of such outstanding dues.
  7.  The verification procedure to be adopted by the auditor for audit of debentures would vary from year to year, depending upon whether fresh debentures are issued and/or they are redeemed or converted into shares during the year. In case of fresh issue of debentures, the auditor should examine the memorandum and articles of association of the company and resolutions authorising the issue. He should also examine compliance with the requirements of the terms of issue and any variations thereof and necessary approvals/clearances for· the issue from authorities concerned such as SEBI, RBI etc. The auditor should also examine that proper accounts are maintained with regard to amounts received towards application, allotment and calls and that the Payments by way of refunds/interest and all other relevant accounts are duly reconciled. Where debentures are issued at a premium/discount, the auditor should ensure that such sums are accounted for distinctly. In case of buy-back, conversion, re-issue or redemption of debentures, the auditor should examine that these are in accordance with the terms of the issue. The auditor should examine that the requirements relating to creation of debenture redemption reserve and, where applicable, sinking fund and its Investment; and other related requirements are complied with.
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