Shorthand Stage II 90 w.p.m. July 2005 Knec Past Paper

Instructions to the Supervisor
Before the examination starts
(a) ensure that all the candidates are seated and that each candidate has a typewriter.
(b) inform the candidates that: ee
a warm-up passage will be read within two minutes.  there will be two examination passages at 90 w.p.m.
ii) each passage will be dictated for three minutes.
(iv) there will be a one-minute interval between the two passages.
(v) candidates will be expected to go through their shorthand notes during the second interval of SIX: minutes. . – : NO TYPING WILL BE ALLOWED DURING THIS TIME,
(vi) the transcription time-will be 55 thinutes. ~~
(c) © give the Reader ample time to’ read through the passages.
(4) _ ensure that the Reader writes the subject for the two passages on the + chaltionid aS follows:
During the dictation :
(a), ++. the reader‘should.
~” @) ‘ensure that the passages are read at the correct speed i ie. 90% w. p-m. by use of a stop watch. To achieve this, each passage is marked in portions which should
occupy a quarter of a minute in reading. The slanting lines (/) mark the divisions of time. The reader should not make pauses where the lines occur unless sense requires it.’ Four slanting lines (///) complete each minute.
(ii) take care-to articulate the words. Punctuation marks should be indicated by the inflexion of the voice and under no circumstances should they be dictated. The matter must be dictated according to the natural sense of the words.
(0) The invigilator. ould ensure that the Reader takes three minutes to read each passage by use of astop watch: ”
After the dictation the invigilator should allow the candidates SEX minutes in which to read their shorthand notes before the transcription. inform the candidates of the transcription time. ensure that the reader leaves the room immediately the dictation is over. ensure that the candidates are seated at least 1 }4 metres apart. make a report about the dictation as to whether there was any interruption or whether certain words were mispronounced or substituted. At the end of the examination the invigilator shoul ensure that candidates hand in both Be : their siokthand notes and transenibed work.
People who are employed by large finite ive access to / loans and grants, Most of them are members of co-operative / societies and can get credit at low interest rates.
In / some small firms, the employers allow workers to take loans / against two or.. = three months’ salary. In others, the employers / act as guarantors and arrange for the staff to get / loans from their banks.’ In either case, the amounts itivolved / are — not Bee because of the’ great risk i in panning / Workers have come = with other ways of raising funds. / Some of them have set up joint accounts in which / they deposit a specified sum of money at the end / of: the month. When. they reach-the target set; members / are. allowed: to. borrow::
against their own savings. If a‘/:member.of the group requires, mors money: éhan. his savings / allow, he can. arrange for someone who trusts him. to, act as Qi go.
guarantor. The guarantor is required to plese ‘his own savings 3 as. curity.
Another method is the revolving / fund. Here, a number of wien agree on the money / to contribute and the order in which each of them / should receive the funds. Having done this, they collect money / at mid month and end month and give to two / people i in the group. By the end of the year, / each of them will have received a lumpsum at least / three. times. The money is ae to purchase items ranging / from kitchen utensils to music systems.
Dear Fridah,
Thank you for your letter of. enquiry in which you asked for details of the children’ S furniture that we have / in stock.
As you will see in the enclosed catalogue, we have.a.large.yariety.from which you. may choose. The prices are // given in the price list which we.have the last page of the catalogue and they compare very well with /// those of our competitors.
We would like to draw-your attention tothe-bedrdom sets on pages: twenty to twenty-five. These. consist //// of a baby cot; a small table and a small chair with curtains to match.
The curtains are made from différent materials./ andare available in:plain soft colours as “°~” well as different patterns. Due to increased demand, we now-make bed covers to: match // the curtains. We have displayed all itemis in théit natural’ setting to give you ari idea of | what your oe $ room would iW look like. | Our items are made from wood of the best quality. They are durable and keep’their attractive appearance for manly years. “JN Most 6f our customers simply transfer them to another room when they need to create space for another set as the children / grow. –
Because of their satisfaction with our – products, they core ‘back tous for other sets as well.
When you identify the set / you want, please contact our salesman in your area. He will give you details of payment and arrange to deliver the items /// to your premises.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your custom and look forward to your order.
Yours, ////

Gift coupons are a form of publicity which is used by many retailers to increase their sales. ‘It is a way of / marketing which is quite effective and at the sare time less costly than other forms. Apart from more sales, the seller enjoys a // widespread distribution of his products.
Some firms buy gift coupons and issue them to workers so that they can exchange them for /// goods at selected outlets. This is quite common at the end of the year and at some –
religious feasts. From the employer’s point //// of view it is one way of creating or maintaining goodwill. The workers are also happy and more willing to work very / hard
towards the success of the firm. One of the setbacks of gift coupons is that buyers purchase goods without realizing their true // worth. As a matter of fact, most coupon bearers buy items which they otherwise would not have purchased from their own income. /// Large scale issue of coupons inflates sales and leads sellers to believe wrongly
that there is a genuine increase in demand. When the //// coupon period ends, they find themselves with large quantities of goods which do not sell as fast as expected.
There is a / trend by rivals to set up similar schemes to compete for the same market. This has the effect of reducing sales for all // the traders involved.
_ Some types of gift coupons allow buyers to purchase goods at a low price. The value of the coupon /// is reduced from the retail price. Later, the seller takes the
gift coupons to the producer to get a refund of the difference. ////

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