Sample examination on Production Operations management

Sample examination paper one
Instructions: attempt question one and any other two questions
Time allowed: 2 hours
Question one
(a) Define the term operations management (2 marks)
(b) List the five objectives of operations management (5marks)
(c) Distinguish between facility location and facility layout (4marks)
(d) Briefly discuss the product design process (8 marks)
(e) Highlight four types of inventory (4marks)
(f) Outline four types of quality costs (4 marks)
(g) Outline the key elements of lean operations (3 marks) Total 30 marks
Question two
(a) Outline five benefits of production planning and control (5 marks)
(b) Outline the activities involved in the production planning process (10 marks)
(c) Outline five activities in the dispatching phase of production control requiring
authorization before being undertaken (5 marks)
Question three
(a) Identify the steps involved in the benchmarking process (10 marks)
(b) Highlight five guidelines to effective benchmarking and achievement of world class operations (10 marks)
Question four
(a) Outline five types of failure (10 marks)
(b) Explain the mechanisms used to detect failure in operations (10 marks)
Question five
Discuss the role of information technology in current operation management practice (20marks)
Sample examination paper two
Instructions: attempt question one and any other two questions
Time allowed: 2 hrs
Question one
(a) Highlight five differences between service operations and manufacturing operations (6 marks)
(b) Distinguish between product layout and process layout (4 marks)
(c) Distinguish between batch and jobbing production (4 marks)
(d) Outline five characteristics of supply and demand networks (5 marks)
(e) Define the term failure (2 marks)
(f) List five benefits of incorporating Information technology into operations management (5 marks)
(g) Distinguish between internal and external failure costs in relation to quality (3 marks)
(h) Define the term project (1 mark) Total 30 marks
Question two
(a) List the contribution of purchasing to product design and development (12 marks)
(b) Explain the benefits of involving the purchasing function in product design and development (8 marks)
Question three
Discuss the steps involved in undertaking the following activities
(a) Methods analysis (6marks)
(b) Time study (7 marks)
(c) Work sampling (5 marks)
Question four
(a) Outline four objectives of asset maintenance (8marks)
(b) Highlight seven components of an asset management plan (7 marks)
(c) Outline the approaches to asset maintenance (5 marks)
Question five
(a) Identify five areas emphasized by TQM (10 marks)
(b) Identify two techniques used to improve quality in TQM

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