A sales organization performs the following functions:
- Analysis of markets thoroughly, including products and market research.
- Adoption of sound and defensible sales-policy.
- Accurate market or sales forecasting and planning the sales[1]campaign, based on relevant data or information supplied by the marketing research staff.
- Deciding about prices of the goods and services; terms of sales and pricing policies to be implemented in the potential and existing markets.
- Labelling, Packaging and packing, for the consumer, who wants a container, which will satisfy his desire for attractive appearance; keeping qualities, utility, quantity, and correct price and many other factors in view.
- Branding or naming the product(s) and/or services to differentiate them from the competitors and to recognise easily by the customer.
- Deciding the channels of distribution for easy accessibility and timely delivery of the products and services.
- Selection, training and control of salesmen, and fixing their remuneration to run the business operations efficiently and effectively.
- Allocation of territory, and quota setting for effective Selling and to fix the responsibility to the concern person.
- Sales-programmes and sales-promotion-activities prepared so that every sales activity may be completed in a planned manner
- Arranging for advertising and publicity to inform the customer about the new products and services and their multiple uses.
- Order-preparation and office-recording to know the profitability of the business and to evaluate the performance of the employees.
- Preparation of customer s record-card to the customer loyalty about the products.
- Scrutiny and recording of reports to compare the other competitors and to compare with the past period.
- Study of statistical-records and reports for comparative analyses in terms of sales, etc.
- Maintenance of salesman’s records to know their efficiency and to develop them.
- Environmental analysis and marketing research-this usually involves monitoring and adapting to external factors that affect success or failure such as the economy and competition and collecting data to resolve specific marketing issues.
- Broadening an organizations/individuals scope-this involves deciding on the emphasis to place as well as the approach to take on societal issues and international marketing.
- Consumer analysis-this involves examining and evaluating consumer characteristic needs and purchase processes; and selecting the group(s) of consumers at which to aim marketing efforts.
- Product planning-this includes goods,services,organisations,people,places,and ideas-developing and maintaining products, product assortments(a set o all products and items that a particular seller offers for sale to buyers),product images, brands, packaging and optional features and deleting faltering products.
- Distribution planning-this involves forming relations with distribution intermediaries, physical distribution, inventory management, warehousing, transportation, the allocation of goods and services, wholesaling and retailing.
- Promotion planning-this involves communicating with customers, the general public and others through some form of advertising, public relations, personal selling and or sales promotion.
- Price planning-this involves determining price level and ranges, pricing techniques, terms of purchase, price adjustments and the use of price as an active or passive factor.
- Marketing management-this involve planning, implementing, and controlling the marketing program(strategy) and individual marketing functions; appraising the risks and benefits in decision making; and focusing on total quality.
- Knowledge of: firm’s long and short-run goals and objectives, production process, consumer behavior, competitors
- Functional skills: market forecast, design of sales organization, recruiting and selecting salesperson, training, budgeting, compensation, territory and quota design, sales analysis, developing sales approach, customer service, order processing, credit and collection, promotion
- Administrative ability: planning, organizing, coordination, motivating, evaluation and control, communication
- Leadership ability
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