Resource Mobilization July 2015 Knec Past Paper Click to view

SECTION A (32 marks)
Answer ALL the questions from this section.
State four ways through which donors can give support to organizations. (4 marks)

List four actors that may be involved in fund-raising for projects. (4 marks)
State three reasons for resource mobilization in an organization. (3 marks)
Give three challenges that an organization may face when raising funds for projects. (3 marks)
List three factors that should be considered when budgeting for a project fund-raising event.(3 marks)
State three characteristics of a good project proposal. (3 marks)

Outline three ways in which a project manager may encourage teamwork among the organizers r of a fund-raising event. (3 marks)
Outline three benefits of evaluating a resource mobilization process. (3 marks)
Give three reasons that make it necessary for a project team to develop a plan for the implementation of a fund-raising event. (3 marks)
Three items which may be included in the appendix of a project funding proposal. (3 marks)
SECTION B (68 marks)
Answer any FOUR questions from this section.

Explain four benefits that may be obtained from involving project beneficiaries in the resource mobilization process. (8 marks)
Highlight six skills that an effective project fund-raising team should possess. (9 marks)
Describe the procedure that should be followed when planning for project fund-raising. (9 marks) Highlight four factors that should be considered when allocating resources for a development project. (8 marks)
The awareness of certain donor preferences may assist a resource mobilizer in obtaining donor support, Explain six such preferences. (9 marks)
Outline four issues that should be considered when choosing the venue for a fund-raising event. (8 marks)
Explain six principles that should guide the formation of an effective resource mobilization partnership. (9 marks)
(b) Highlight four reasons that may make it necessary for an organization to offer financial support for a development project. (8 marks)
Explain six factors that should be considered when developing a project funding proposal in an organization. (9 marks)

Outline four types of media that may be used in the process of fund-raising for projects. (8 marks)

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