1 Introduction

This section should be brief and indicate the content in the study.

2 Research design

This refers to the outline/scheme or plan that will be used to collect information. The researcher should identify the design and justify why it was selected. Justify with citation. (1/2 page)

3 Target Population 

This section indicates the group the researcher would like to focus on in the study. The researcher should justify why the group has been selected and its contribution to the study.  The researcher should indicate the group’s characteristics including size.

4 Sampling procedure

This section indicates how the sample will be selected and the sample size. One should justify the sample design

5 Data collection instruments and procedures

In this section the researcher identifies the research instrument (s) that will be used in data collection. The researcher justifies why the instrument(s) has/have been selected. The quality of the instrument (Validity/reliability) is addressed. One should indicate the procedures of administering the research instruments. It should indicate how the authority to collect data will be sought, methods of ensuring high response rates, ethical values to be considered.

Mugenda and Mugenda (2003) asserted that the accuracy of data to be collected largely depended on the data collection instruments in terms of validity and reliability. Validity as noted by Robinson (2002) is the degree to which result obtained from the analysis of the data actually represents the phenomenon under study.

Validity will be achieved by pre-testing the instrument to be used to identify and change any ambiguous, awkward, or offensive questions and technique as emphasized by Cooper and Schindler (2003). Reliability on the other hand refers to a measure of the degree to which research instruments yield consistent results (Mugenda & Mugenda, 2003). In this study, reliability will be ensured by pre-testing the questionnaire with a selected sample. The pre-test exercise will take place at the convenience of both the researcher and the research assistant

6 Methods of data Analysis

This section should indicate how the variables will be measured and presented. The statistical methods used should be justified

7 Research Limitation

In this section the researcher highlights some of the challenges likely to be encountered during the study and how they will be addressed.

8 Research Ethics

This section indicates some of the values that the researcher will reinforce during the study

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