1. Confidence-one should show to the interviewers that you are sure of what you are saying therefore interviewee should avoid words like J THINK…, I DONT KNOW…. Etc. One should be able to give a satisfying answer
  2. Ability to think and react to the questions instantly. This builds trust to the listeners that the information is true.
  3. Creativity-incases of something you are not sure of, one should be creative enough to give a satisfying answer.e.g Come back after one week.
  4. Friendly-one should not be hostile to interviewers no matter the situation one should be as calm as possible.
  5. Smooth and orderly response-the response should be a solution to the question asked. This facilitates avoidance of time wastage, boredom to the audience and bad image to interviewee.



Its audio means commonly used since its readily available and cheaper compared to television. Programmes can be produced quickly and inexpensively and information is available even in local languages. Radio has some limitations e.g. the listeners may lack any idea of how the product being advertised look like, problem of network in remote areas, loud music can cause sound pollution.


Its electronic means of communicating that uses both audio and visual features.


  1. There is complete information about the product i.e. both sound and the pictures.
  2. Its easily accessible in public areas e.g. hotels
  3. Delivery of the message is more convincing to the customers.


  1. Production of t.v programme is time consuming compared to radio.
  2. It’s expensive to buy.
  3. Problem of changes in technology
  4. Not easily accessible in rural areas without electricity.


Refer to display of information which is most eye catching at strategic places e.g. roundabouts.


  1. The information last for long.
  2. It’s cheaper compared to television adverts
  3. Involves words and pictures hence effective delivery of message.


  1. The information is limited to one area only.
  2. Threats from competing industries by destroying the billboards
  3. It accommodates less information.
  4. The passer-by may lack to pay attention to the information.


It’s a means by which one person can exchange message with other people over the internet through use of computers or smartphones.


  1. E-Mail message can be sent to the recipient mailbox at any time at sender’s convenience.
  2. Its fast means of delivering the message.
  3. E-mail information can be kept for long compared to information from phone calls.
  4. Records of e-mail message may be kept in electronic form therefore reducing filing problems and administration cost.


  1. Staffs may waste time on non-reproductive e-mails
  2. Sometimes information that is more urgent may fail to reach the recipient on time due to delays as a result of internet problems.
  3. E-mails may not guarantee individual security on message due to challenge from internet hackers.
  4. EXHIBITIONS-involves creating awareness through demonstrations, films, video shows, road shows etc.


  1. Exhibitions are open to a large and sometimes different range of audience which provide a platform to promote products and services to a large population.
  2. Being involved in exhibitions can provide one with opportunities to branch out to business partnership and create customer database

Quick feedback is received on general opinion about the product through interacting with customers.


  1. Trade-shows and exhibitions require pre –arrangement on time hence are time consuming.
  2. Travelling expenses may be costly e.g. hiring vehicles, tents, public address etc.
  3. Stiff competition on demonstration from those offering similar services.
  4. Free samples and displays are costly.
  5. Targeting the wrong audience may be more expensive than expected benefits i.e. if the target audience does not reciprocate positively.
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