Reporting Procedures

The effectiveness of an audit depends on reporting results to the proper authority so that appropriate action may be taken to rectify the irregularities or impropriety where possible or to prevent re- occurrence. The right as also the obligation to report on the results of audit findings is inherent to the
institution of the Auditor General and is usually safeguarded in the Constitution and related enactments. Article 151 of the Indian Constitution enjoins that the C&AG shall report on the accounts of the Union and of each of the States to the President or the Governor concern and the letter shall cause the report
to be laid before the legislatures. The reports should not only be presented to the legislatures but thereafter also publicised adequately in order to create a proper climate of public opinion for taking remedial action where necessary, on the findings of the Auditor General. This may also constitute a more effective safeguard in the future. In India the reporting is factual and the conclusions are left to be drawn by the reader. This is presumably to ensure total objectivity. Nothing debars C&AG from making recommendations in the audit report but traditionally this has been left to be done by the Public Accounts Committee. The overall Indian position regarding reporting standards contained in instructions issued by the C&AG on the subject. Experience and professional judgment ultimately determines what is to be included in the audit reports. The auditor has to be a thorough professional and the audit reports have to be prepared with great skill for both the presentation and contents should compel readership. In accordance with the duties laid down under the C&AG Act, 1971 and the reporting requirements under the constitution of India, the following reports are prepared each year on an average by the
No. of Reports
1. Union Government

  •  Civil 1
  •  Post & Telegraphs 1
  •  Defence 1
  •  Railways 1
  •  Commercial 10
  •  Receipts 2

2. State Governments including Union Territories with Legislature
No. of Reports

  • Civil 26
  •  Receipts 16
  • Commercial 15
    Statutory Corporations 57

No. of Reports

  • Union Government 8
  • State Governments 73
    (including Electricity Board, Road Transport Corporations and State Financial Corporations)
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