Reasons for adopting green manufacturing

1. Reduce Costs: A manufacturing business can see overall operating costs drop if the green changes are planned accordingly. Having access to solar and wind energy, along with applicable energy-efficient equipment and machinery, can drastically reduce energy and
utility bills. Additionally, increasing recycling and going paperless for bills/documents can also save on supply costs.

2. Tax Credits & Incentives: Manufacturers may benefit from tax credits and incentives from the government to offset the costs while making the switch. Utility companies may offer their own incentives and rebates for green changes.

3. Green Reputation = Sales: Sustainability has become an interest for consumers, and taking your business into that arena can be a great reputation boost. Rebranding your company can pen your business to a new market of consumers, and increase your sales overall.

4. Become More Competitive with Government Contracts: Earning a government contract can be food business in a manufacturing but competition is often fierce. By going green, manufacturers have a better chance at earning a contract. Additionally, some contracts are
available to only green businesses, which provide even more opportunities to grow and own.

5. Impact on the Environment: Green manufacturers have a smaller carbon footprint and even reduce the number of toxins released into the atmosphere.

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