Quality Circles

This is based on a Japanese method of grouping people together in ―Quality Control‖ (QC), meetings where they shared their expertise and worked to solved a problem or improve process. The quality circles begun in Japan in 1960s. The concept of quality circles is based on the participating style of management. It assumes that productivity will improve through an uplift of morale and motivations which are in turn achieved through consultation and discussion in informal groups.

Benefits of Quality Circle
The most important benefit of quality circles is their effect on people‘s attitudes fall into three categories:

1. Quality Circles Effect on Individual Characteristics

  • Quality circles enable the individual to improve personal capabilities—group participation and learning specific problem-solving tools.
  • Quality circles increase the individual‘s self-respect.
  • Quality circles help worker change certain personality characteristics—shy person become as active.

2. Quality Circles Effect on Individuals Relations with Other

  • Quality circles increase the respect of the supervisor for the worker.
  • Quality circles increase workers understanding of the difficulties faced by supervisors— problem selection, solving and implementations.
  • Quality circle increase management‘s respect for worker.

3. Quality Circles Effect on Workers and Their Attributes

  • Quality circles change some workers negative attitudes.
  • Quality circle reduces conflict stemming from the working environment.
  • Quality circles help workers to understand better the reasons while many problems solved quickly.

Quality circles, as a management tool, are based on the following basic principles of people:

  • People want to do a good job.
  • People want to be recognized as intelligent, interested employees and to participate in decisions affecting their work.
  • People want information to better understand goals and problems of their organization and make informed decisions.
  • Employees want recognition and responsibility and a feeling of self-esteem. Motivational methods are not enough for successful quality circle programs. Management support, technical knowledge, and statistical procedures are essential.
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