Monitoring is the periodic review of the project inputs, activities, and outputs undertaken during implementation. It includes the review of the procurement and delivery of inputs, the schedules of the activities and the extent of progress made in the production of outputs.

Monitoring therefore involves the process of collecting the information about the actual project performance during implementation. The gap between planned and actual performance during implementation The gap between the planned and actual performance is addressed using various control strategies. The whole purpose of monitoring is to be able to take actions against information gathered.

Monitoring serves and important functions

  • Monitoring helps the project manager and other stakeholder to decision aimed at improving the project.
  • Ensure accountability to all those who has stakeholder in the project
  • Allows the project management to identify impact of the project, on various parties involved

Evaluation is a judgement on the effectiveness (operational and strategic) of a project. There will be no effective judgement if monitoring has not been done. There are three types of evaluation. Namely

1. EX- ANTE evaluation. This is undertaken before the project starts and it examines the feasibility of the project.
2. ON-GOING (CONCURRENT) evaluation. This is undertaken during the project implementation, it analyses the relationship between the project output and its effects for the purpose of adapting the project to changes in the environment; and as a project manager try to match the project with the environment. Realign the project for the better e.g. stop it, dump it, or change strategy.
3. EX-POST (IMPACT) Evaluation. This is done after the project has been implemented and it examines its stated goals and the types of changes resulting from the project.

The process of project Monitoring and Evaluation includes seven steps. Namely:
1. Preparation of a logical framework
2. Specification of information requirements- what is to be measured?
3. Identify the sources of information
4. Formulation of the research design– how to collect and analyse data
5. Determination of the timing of research- when and how often must data be collected?
6. Reporting findings- how should the findings is reported?
7. Assignment of responsibilities: who is to perform the monitoring and evaluation tasks? Involve both the internal and external evaluators

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