Project Design

Project design is an early phase of the project where a project‘s key features, structure, criteria for success, and major deliverables are all planned out. The point is to develop one or more designs which can be used to achieve the desired project goals. Stakeholders can then choose the best design to use for the actual execution of the project.

The project design phase might generate a variety of different outputs, including sketches, flowcharts, site trees, HTML screen designs, prototypes, photo impressions and more. This goes in hand with formulation but focuses on the physical aspect of the project. The formulation informs the design of the project. Designing a project is a challenging task which may be difficult in situations in which we are doing it for the first time. It is recommended that the design be done using some framework. The World Bank has designed a framework with the following

Research Project → Pilot Project →Demonstration Project → Replica Project

Some projects should not be implemented full especially if they are huge and if we do not clearly understand how the project is going to respond to a given environment. Design features keep on improving if the project is implemented at stages.

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