Principles that have to be followed by a professional accountant include:
It refers to the character of the accountant. The accountant should be one who is of unquestionable morals, honest, trustworthy and forthright.

b)Professional Independence
This refers to the ability of the accountant to do his work without following any instructions from the client or any other person for any reason.
The independence ensures that the accountant will be truthful and will carry out his duties in accordance with the dictates of the profession as opposed to personal whims.

This is the duty of secrecy. It is the duty not to divulge to third parties any information that has been received by the accountant in his capacity as such or to use such information
Tin any way for any other purpose without the consent of the client or express authority of the law.

d) Professional Competence
Means that for a person to render professional services as an accountant he must have attained the professional ability to do so i.e. he must inter alia have the necessary
qualifications after having gone through a prescribed course of study. A person who has fulfilled the requirements of the Accountants Act 5 in relation to
qualifications is deemed to be professionally competent.

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