Procedures to be followed by the Transport Officer/Drivers.

On assignment of a vehicle to a Driver by the Associate Director or his designate, the following are his duties:

  • He must ensure effective use of vehicle daily check list which clearly states the functionality of each vehicle.
  • He must replenish the vehicle fuel as appropriate. He must fill fuel / diesel consumption log book which includes: date, day, litres collected vehicle number, speed meter readings, vehicle make, collecting driver‘s name and any other remark.
  • At all times distance covered and places covered must be recorded in the log book.
  • In an event of an accident, the driver should call the Administration Department and notify the Associate Director, Transport Officer or Assistant Officer and the Transport team at the Central office.
  • If LIFE is involved, report, yourself to the nearest police station.
  • Accidental Damage: Write a full report; submit copy of your Driver‘s License to Admin. To process police report with estimate of repairs.
  • Damage by Third Party Vehicle: Collect the insurance particulars of the third party vehicle.
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