Performance Review & Development Meetings
- Both parties should prepare for the meeting so that they consider the points for discussion. Assess the achievement of objectives; understand the factors that affected performance and actions necessary to improve performance.
- Self-Assessment. The employee should consider achievements and progress, prepare to explain the shortfalls, training and development needs.
Constructive Review Meetings
Such a meeting is likely to take place if reviewers:-
- Encourage reviewees to do most of the talking
- Listen actively to what they say
- Allow scope for reflection and analysis
- Analyse performance, not personality
- Keep the whole period under review, not isolated incidents
- Adopt a ‘no surprises’ approach – performance problems should have been identified and dealt with at the time they occurred
- Recognize achievements and reinforce strengths
- End the meeting positively with agreed action plans and an understanding of how progress in implementing them will be reviewed.
Organizational characteristics.
- Emphasis on past clashes with managerial preference for current information
- No commitment to appraisal
- Conducting of appraisals not reinforced – no rewards
- PA not an important function of management.
- Redundant in participative democratic climate.
Position characteristics.
- Inability to observe performance.
- No user participation in system development.
- Failure to develop performance measures from job analysis.
- Rating systems administered subjectively.
- Results used to discriminate on the basis of race, gender etc.
Performance appraisal policies.
- No standard policy regarding raters tasks/roles in appraisal.
- No standard policy regarding frequency of appraisals.
Rater and rating process
- Lack of knowledge of ratees job.
- Possession of erroneous or incomplete information.
- Differing expectations because of levels in hierarchy and role
- Bias and errors in human judgement.
- Stereotypes and prejudices.
performance appraisal instrument.
Performance measures (criteria)
- Ambiguity of performance measures: incompleteness.
- Lack of specificity and behaviour – based language
- Irrelevant performance criteria
- Criteria not communicated explicitly to ratees.
- Failure to recognise excellent performance
- Promotional decision errors
- Staffing jobs with inadequate skills mix
Guidance and development.
- Failure to recognise potential
- Failure to build skills through training.
Grievances because of subjectivity and bias.
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