OAS refers to the user mechanical, electrical, & electronic devices to enhance communication in the work place & increase the efficiency & productivity of knowledge workers or clerical
workers. OAS includes:
Word processing
Electronic mail
Voice mail
Audio conferencing
Video conferencing
Computer conferencing
Tele conferencing
Facsimile transmission
Desktop publishing
Video task
Multimedia system
Word processing:
It is use of an electronic device that automatically performs many of the tasks necessary to create written document such as letters, memo, & report that are directed to the manager.
Electronic mail:

Electronic mail known as E-mail. It is the use of a network computer that allows users to send, store, and receive messages using the computers terminals & storage devices. It sends mail electronically from one computer to other.
Voice mail:
Voice mail is just like electronic mail & performs storing, accessing, retrieving, and distributing
messages using the telephone.
Audio conferencing:
Audio conferencing is the use of voice communication equipment to establish an audio link between geographically dispersed persons for conducting a conference. The conference call, which allows more than 2 people to participate in a telephone conversation, was the first form of audio conferencing & is still in use.
Video conferencing:
It is the use of television equipment to link geographically dispersed conference participants to engage in face to face communication. The equipment provides for audio as well as video linkage.
Computer conferencing:
Computer conferencing is the use of a network computer to all members of a problem solving
team to exchange information concerning the problem that is being solved.
Tele conferencing:
It is includes all three forms of electronically aided conferencing audio, video & computer.
Facsimile transmission:
Facsimile transmission popularly known as fax is the transfer of written or pictorial information
by the use of special equipment that can read a document image at one end of a communication
channel & make a copy at the other end.
Desktop publishing:
Desktop publishing is the use of a computer to prepare printed output, using software with
sophisticated publishing capability.
Video task:
It is the use of the computer for displaying a stored narrative & graphic material on a CRT screen.
Imaging is the use of optical character recognises to convert paper or microfilm records to a digital format for storage in a secondary storage device for easy retrieval & processing.
 Multimedia system:
Multimedia system are well integrated systems that store, retrieve, & process different types of data such as test, graphics, image, full motion video, audio, & animation.
It helps users to create, process, share, & display information in a broad variety of formats.
Transaction Processing System (TPS)
Input: Transaction related data.
Processing: Use procedure & rules.
Output: Summaries of transaction.
Users: Lower-level managers.
Application: Sales transaction applications, Credit & payment, Insurance claims.

 Management Information System (MIS)
Input: Output from TPS & other internal data.
Processing: Measures & monitors operational performance.
Output: Summary & exception reports.
Users: Middle level managers.
Application: Monthly production report.
Intelligent Support System (ISS)
Input: Internal & external data & models.
Processing: Interactive ad-hoc reporting.
Output: Alternatives & Analysis reports.
Users: Top managers.
Application: Investment portfolios.
Office Automation System (OAS)
Input: Data & information.
Processing: Formatting, Summarizing & Displaying.
Output: Document, Graphics, Multimedia.
Users: Knowledge & Clerical workers.
Application: Fax, Multimedia, Video conferencing.

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