Objectives of production planning and control

1. To plan production facilities in the best possible manner along with the proper systematic planning of production activities.
2. Providing men, machines, materials etc. of right quality, quantity and also providing them at the right time forms a very important factor.
3. To inform, about the difficulties or the various awkward positions expected to crop up later, to the management beforehand.
4. To make all preparations to manufacture goods within specified time & cost.
5. To make available supply of materials, parts & components at the right time.
6. To ensure most economical use of plant & equipment by scheduling best machine utilization.
7. To provide information for production management & distribution of goods.
8. To issue relevant orders to production personals to implement the production plan.
9. To make available materials, machines, tools, equipment & manpower in the required quality & quantity & at the specified time.
10. To ensure production of goods in the required quantities of the specified quality at the pre-determined time.
11. To keep the plant free from production bottleneck.
12. To maintain spare capacity to deal with rush orders.
13. To maintain cordial industrial relations.

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