Methods of conflict resolution

The accommodating strategy essentially entails giving the opposing side what it wants. The use of accommodating often occurs when one of the parties wishes to keep the peace or perceive the issue as minor. For example, a business that requires formal dressing may
institute a ―casual Friday‖ policy as a lower-stake means of keeping the peace with the rank and file. Employees who use accommodation as a primary conflict management strategy, however, may keep track and develop resentment.

The avoidance strategy seeks to put off conflict indefinitely. By delaying or ignoring the conflict, the avoider hopes the problem resolves itself without a confrontation. Those who actively avoid conflict frequently have low esteem or hold a position of low power. In some circumstances, avoiding can serve as a profitable conflict management strategy, such as after the dismissal of a popular but unproductive employee. The hiring of a more productive replacement for the position soothes much of the conflict.

Collaboration works by integrating ideas set out by multiple people. The object is to find a creative solution acceptable to everyone. Collaboration through useful, calls for a significant time commitment is not appropriate to all conflicts. For example, a business owner should work collaboratively with the manager to establish policies, but collaborative decision making regarding office suppliers waste time better spent on other activities.

The compromising strategy typically calls for both sides of a conflict to give up elements of their position in order to establish an acceptable, if not agreeable, solution. This strategy prevails most often in conflicts where the parties hold approximately equivalent power. Business owners frequently employ compromising during contract negotiations with other businesses when each party stands to lose something valuable, such as a customer or necessary services.

Competition operates as a zero-sum game, in which one side wins and another loses. Highly assertive personalities often fall back on competition as a conflict management strategy. The competitive strategy works best in a limited number of conflicts, such as emergency situations. In general, business owners benefit from holding the competitive strategy in a reserve for crisis situation and decision that generate ill-will such as pay cuts or layoffs.

What to do in a conflict situation.

Listen, then speaks out
Believe it or not, just listening to an employee‘s issue is the first and most important step in resolving conflict. You should simply listen to all parties involved to completely understand the nature of conflict, and then start troubleshooting solutions.

Gather the group
As a leader, you‘ll need to arrange a meeting with all involved parties to discuss the issue. Give everyone a chance to speak; this is a good opportunity to hear all the sides and gain a full understanding of the conflict. Having a group meeting may also expedite a resolution that will satisfy everyone.

Be impartial
Don‘t take sides. In a leadership position, you shouldn‘t display any sort of opinion that favours one person over another. If you are partial towards one person, try to access the situation from all the sides to come up with a fair and reasonable solution.

Do not postpone conflict resolution
Address the conflict immediately. Otherwise, the situation could escalate and could affect employee performance. Just make sure not to address the situation too quickly or without consideration as your decision will directly affect the demeanour and performance of your staff.

Promote teamwork
Encouragement and motivation are powerful. Remind your staff or successful projects that required teamwork to complete. This is one of the most effective conflict resolution techniques and will really make the employees think about the importance of working in a

Broadcast praise
As stated above, the power of encouragement and motivation can be multiplied when it is spread to recognize those who are modelling the teamwork and cooperation that is desired within any conflict. Try to give suitable models in these instances because behaviour
modelling can be risky if there are elements in the model that are undesirable.

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