Meetings are held to discuss particular issues or matters. For the meetings to be successful the following should be done.

  1. Define the purpose of the meeting clearly
  2. Distribute the agenda among all members.
  3. Provide all the facts e.g. you may distribute a copy of previous year results and some comments to the members.
  4. Restrict the number of invitees

If you are the chairman of a meeting
To be successful as a chairman observe the following:-
1. Punctuality
2. Clearly define the purpose of the meeting
3. Begin with a positive approach and don’t start on negatives.
4. Your opening remarks should be brief. Short openings suggest the urgency of problem.
5. Sight out the initial silence. After the opening remarks there’s silence because of members general reluctance to speak. Some people may be thinking about the probability and others not want to speak. The chairman should assist members to open up.
6. Remain impartial sometimes conflicts and personality save ups may arise. The chairman should be able to control the situation. He should not take sides.
7. Control emotional build ups sometimes during the discussion emotions and tensions may build up. The chairman should use humour to control tempers.
8. Draw contributions from all members.
9. Control the meeting
10. Creatively control opposing points of view.
11. Clarify contributions
12. Make frequent summarize of progress of the meeting to all parent.
13. Point out the decisions reached.
14. Point out differences.
15. Point out the course of action.
16. Close the meeting in time.

1. Go to the meeting well prepared.

  • Study the agenda carefully, try to find out the items of your interest and the items in which you are capable to make contributions.
  • Carefully read the information circulated in advance.
  • If you want to use any written or visual aids to make your contributions effective prepare them in advance.
    If you are not an experienced speaker its advisable to write down points.

3. Study other members who are attending the meeting. Their characteristics, like and dislikes, story and weak points, the way they speak and how they react to different ideas and note their areas of specialization.
4. Speak at the end most appropriate time if you have good ideas. Ideas that you have keen to get accepted, present them early enough so that other members can start thinking along the lines of those ideas.
5. If the discussion is moving along desirable lines, you can wait and present your ideas towards the end of the meeting. This will happen if you are giving an air of finality to the discussion and other members may agree with you and the meeting is closed.

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