Media relation is relationship that company or organization develops with journalist while pretend the relationship behold media to general public. Media involves collective communication outlets or tools that are used to store and deliver information to the public.

  Press relation major role is to achieve maximum publication and broadcasting of public relation information in order to create knowledge and understandings.

HOW TO ACHIEVE GOOD PRESS RELATION (i.e. Things to observe in order to facilitate effectiveness of message delivery)

  1. Editorial policy-One should consider the media that is more common and attract customer’s attention more e.g., Radio etc. which provide a platform of accessibility of the message to a bigger population.
  2. Circulation-One should know the extent of press circulation e.g. regional, national or international.
  • Distribution methods-Good press relation should be based on controlled circulation and not free circulation in order to facilitate accessibility of information to many people.
  1. Copy date-In order to achieve good press relation one should consider the last date of publication and the next in order to ensure proper timing on delivery of message e.g. Business letter, Magazines etc.
  2. Readership profile-What type of people are you targeting in order to facilitate effective designing of the message e.g. the young, youth or the old.
  3. Healthy relationship with the target population and media personnel.

NB The above points are things that when observed facilitate effectiveness of message delivery


Refer to information that is not always known to the public. News is not necessarily about current events but anything which interest the readers. News release is a public relation article and not an advertisement which gives information about organization products and services. Bad news release is bad public relation.


  1. .News release should be set out in manual script not in business letter style.
  2. The language used should be simple i.e. avoid jargons which might hinder clarity of the message.
  3. The highlight should be eye catching in order to attract attention of either viewers or listeners.
  4. Should be brief and straight to the point i.e. should be very summarized to save time and avoid boredom both to viewers and listeners .It is facilitated through use of short paragraphs, short sentences and short words.
  5. Most important information should be placed on top page and highlight in a more eye catching color

NB.While writing news release the subject should be stated in opening paragraphs which should be a summary of the whole story and should be short and brief to avoid boredom.


S-Subject-What is the story about.

O-Organization-What is the name of the organization.

L-Location-Where is the organization located.

A-Application-What are the uses, who are the users.

A-Advantages-What are the benefits of using the product or service.

D-Details-The size, color, price.

S-Source-the origin of the product.


  1. It provides a checklist of data required before making news release.
  2. It’s a guideline indicating the sequence of information so that the information is presented in the same part of the story.
  3. It provides a checklist to apply while composing the message in order to see whether any vital information has been left.

NB It does not necessarily mean that the essay should have seven paragraphs but should ensure that all the essential information is captured in order to facilitate clarity of the message.

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