“Statute” literally means Act of Parliament. This is law made by parliament in exercise of the legislative power conferred upon it by the Constitution. A statute begins as a Bill which goes through several stages to become so. Examples include Agriculture Act, Companies Act, Judicature Act, Kadhis Court Act.
However, the term „statute‟ can be used to describe a category or type of delegated legislation e.g. under the Universities Act, Councils of Public Universities are empowered to make “statutes.” Statute law enjoys certain advantages. These include:
- Resolution of legal problems: It enables society resolve legal problems as and when they arise by enacting new statutes or amending those in existence.
- Dynamism: enable society keep pace with changes in other spheres e.g. economic, political etc.
- Democratic: it is made by representatives of the people and is therefore democratic.
- General application: consists of general principles applicable at different times.
- Uniformity: regulates the conduct and activities of all indiscriminately.
- Superiority: it prevails over all other sources of law other than the Constitution.
- Publicity: it is the most widely published source of law.
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