Management principles in logistics operations

Generally, there are seven principles of logistics.

1. Responsiveness- This is by providing the right support when it‘s needed and where it‘s needed. It is the ability to react to changing requirements and respond to meet the needs. Responsiveness is characterised by the ability and speed of response.
2. Simplicity- It fosters efficiency in planning and execution and allows for more effective control over logistics operations.
3. Flexibility- It is the ability to improvise and adapt logistics structures and procedures to changing situations, missions and operational requirements. It is well reflected on how well logistics responds in an environment of unpredictability.
4. Economy- It is the amount of resources required to deliver a specific outcome. This is achieved when support is provided using the fewest resources within acceptable levels of risk.
5. Attainability-This is the assurance that the minimum essential suppliers and services required to execute operations will be available.
6. Sustainability- It‘s the ability to maintain the necessary level and duration of operational activity to achieve an organisation‘s objectives. Sustainability is a function for providing and maintaining those levels of materials necessary for supporting logistics efforts.
7. Survivability- This is the capacity of an organisation to prevail in the phase of potential threats. This is directly affected by design of operational logistics processes.
8. Integration- Combining all elements (tasks, functions, processes) to operations assuring a uniform flow of activities.
9. Anticipation- It is the ability to foresee operational requirements and initiate actions that satisfy a response. It is important to visualize future operations, identify the required support and start the process of acquiring the sustainment that best supports the operations.

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