Limitations of Enterprise Development

Unfavorable legal and regulatory framework
The absence of policies governing the growth of small enterprises could hamper the growth of small enterprises. This would mean that the small firms are not protected in the harsh markets and the law does not complement their activities. It thus becomes very hard for an entrepreneur to set his toehold in the economy. The high cost of compliance to regulations may discourage potential entrepreneurs from formally setting up their businesses, while driving some existing enterprises out of business and those working for them into unemployment

Undeveloped infrastructure
This could be a drawback in the sense that the entrepreneur may not have access to facilities that will enable him pursue the objectives of his business on a larger scale. Most institutions are cautious to lend money to small businesses because of the risks involved. At the same time some of these institutions may require the businesses to pay high interest rates for loans acquired

Poor business development services
Lack of training may be a setback in the industry for the small businesses. Most NGOs that come up with the plans lack support from the government and mostly operate on good will from the potential investors. The entrepreneurs lacking in skills need to be imparted with knowledge that will set them at par with the other accomplished businesses, giving them a chance to provide healthy competition

Poor entrepreneurial Culture
It has become a trend for most school leavers to look for employment. While it serves as the most convenient route to earn a living, most young people have shied away from engaging in entrepreneurial initiatives because of the high risks involved in setting a business. Most of these young people find it a big struggle that is laden with disappointments.

Lack of Skills and competence
Most entrepreneurs lack the relevant skills to engage in meaningful business enterprises. Those that manage get the support of strategic investors and managers who mobilize resources on their behalf. On his own a potential entrepreneur will find he is limited if he has not undergone some basic entrepreneurial training.

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