Labour and Industrial Law July 2017 Knec Past Paper

Explain six legal reasons for setting the minimum wage. (12 marks)
Highlight four duties of self employed persons in regard to health and safety measures for self and others. (8 marks)
Explain five ways in which colonial labour laws were used to manipulate the African Labour force to the advantage of the colonialists. (10 marks)
Explain five safety provisions in case of fire in a factory, as stipulated in the Factories and Other Places of Work Act. (10 marks)
Industrial training schemes for workers may face certain challenges. Highlight six such challenges. (12 marks)
Outline four persons not regarded as employees as stipulated in the Work Injury and Benefits Act. (8 marks)
Explain five reasons that may make a Court of Law to reverse an employee’s termination of service. (10 marks)
Highlight five contents that must be included in a trade union’s annual returns. (10 marks)
Explain six merits of arbitration as a dispute resolution mechanism. (12 marks)
Outline four negative consequences of strikes to an organisation. (8 marks)
Explain the role of the Employment and Labour Relations Court, with regard to the content and interpretation of awards in industrial disputes. (10 marks)
Highlight five grounds that may justify the summary dismissal of an employee. (10 marks)
Explain five reasons that may lead to the cancellation of the registration of a Trade Union. (10 marks)
Explain five ways that may be used to terminate a contract of apprenticeship and indentured learnership.

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