KISEB Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. What is CPSP-K & APS-K

The Certified Procurement and Supply Professional of Kenya (CPSP-K) is a professional certification in supply chain management designed to equip learners with knowledge, practical skills and attitudes that will enable them perform duties as buyers, supply chain managers, supervisor directors, or consultants for organizations.

The Associate in Procurement and Supply of Kenya (APS-K) is diploma course in supply chain management that is intended to equip the learners with knowledge, practical skills and attitudes that will enable them to administer supply chain functions in organizations.


A person seeking to be registered as a student for the CPSP examination must show evidence of being a holder of one of the following qualifications:

  • Pass in APS (K), or
  • Degree from a recognized university, or
  • Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE), mean grade of C+ (plus) with minimum C+(plus) in English and in Mathematics, or Kenya Advanced Certificate of Education (KACE) with at least TWO principle passes and credits in Mathematics and English at Kenya Certificate of Education (KCE)
  • Equivalent qualifications as determined by Kenya Institute of Supplies Management (KISM).

A person seeking to be registered as a student for the APS examination must show evidence of being a holder of one of the following qualifications:

  • Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) examination with mean grade of C minus (C-), or
  • Equivalent qualifications as determined by Kenya Institute of Supplies Management (KISM)

Application procedure

  1. Complete the form in CAPITAL LETTERS (in black or blue ink).
  2. (a) Print your name in full in the order on No. 1 (a) of this form.
  • (b) Change of name must be supported by a legal document (such as Marriage certificate, Affidavit or Deed poll).
  1. Indicate your identity card/Passport No. /Identity card waiting slip No. or Birth Certificate No. (for those under 18 years) on the space provided; enclose a passport size photograph, identification document and CERTIFIED copies of your certificates. The documents must be certified by your employer/referee or by any person specified here below;
  • Registrars of colleges, institutions or universities.
  • Licensed Practitioners of KISM (must quote their registration number).
  • A senior civil servant (such as Education Officer, School Principal. District Officer, Magistrate or an Officer of higher ranking).
  • Commissioner of oaths.
  • The Clerk or Senior Officer of any Local Authority, or a Senior Officer in a State Corporation or organization.
  • In exceptional circumstances, Chiefs, Assistant Chiefs, Primary School Head Teachers and religious leaders.
  • All copies of certificates must be certified, signed and rubber stamped by the same person.
  1. KISEB reserves the right to confirm the certified copies of certificates.
  2. Please ensure that your application for registration form is duly completed before payment of fees.
  3. Any application for registration form which is not accompanied by supporting documents and the correct fee will be rejected.
  4. Personal cheques will not be accepted


3. How do I apply for exemptions?

  • Exemptions may, on application, be granted to registered students who are holders of qualifications/certifications recognized by KISEB. Exemptions will be granted on a paper by paper basis upon application through form CPSP/APS/4.
  • Application for exemption must be submitted with the Exam Entry Form.
  • Exemptions take into consideration the applicant’s previous studies and examination results;
  • Applicant must have obtained at least 50% (C) in the previous examination in the subject submitted for exemption;
  • Exemptions may be considered where 70% or above of the previously studied examination syllabus is identical in mapping to the CPSP syllabus;
  • No exemption will be given to applicants whose qualifications are obtained by exemptions from local or overseas educational institutes;
  • Exemptions are applicable in non-core modules in PARTS I, II and III of CPSP-K examinations only;
  • No exemptions will be granted in the Associate in Procurement (APS) level examination;
  • A non-refundable exemption fee will be charged on application.
  • The qualification must be a fully completed qualification. Exemptions are not awarded for part completed qualifications;
  • The level of the qualification must be comparable or higher to that of the CPSP-K unit for which exemption is being sort;
  • The rigour of assessment for the qualification must be appropriate to the level and content of the CPSP-K unit/s;
  • No exemption is given for work experience.


4. How many sittings are there in a year?

  • KISEB exams are administered twice a year; May and November


  • CPSP-K minimum duration is 2.5 years (30 months)
  • APS-K minimum duration is 1 years (12 months)


  • A student will be allowed to defer examination fees to the subsequent examination sitting only once in any particular part upon application and providing sufficient reason(s) for deferment. The successful applicant shall be required to pay an administrative charge equivalent to 15% of the applicable examination fees thirty (30) days prior to the examination period, failure to which the opportunity granted for deferment will lapse.

Application for withdrawal must be accompanied by a letter quoting the student’s registration number, examination centre and reason(s) for withdrawal. Students who withdraw from the examination before the closing date specified for entry are entitled to a refund of 50% of the examination entry fee paid. Students who withdraw on account of illness are entitled to a refund of 75% of the examination entry fee paid, subject to submission of an authentic medical certificate covering the examination dates.


CPSP Normal Registration 5,500

CPSP Reinstatement 5,500

CPSP Renewal 1,500

CPSP Part I Examination (per paper) 2,500

CPSP Part II Examination (per paper) 3,500

CPSP Part III Examination (per paper) 4,000

CPSP Part IV Examination (per paper) 4,000

CPSP Research Paper 15,000


Bank Account Name: Kenya Institute of Supplies Management

Bank Account Number 0102096929100

Bank Name Standard Chartered

Bank Branch Westlands


Mpesa Paybill No. 552500

Enter pay bill number

Enter account number (your name with no spacing e.g. JaneDoe)

Enter amount

Enter your PIN number.

The registration and examination fees may be paid through the KISM

bank account or Mpesa. The bank deposit slip or Mpesa transaction code must be included when submitting the application


Exemption fee is charged per paper per part. The fee is paid after an applicant fills in the exemption application form and attaches all the necessary requirements

Exemption CPSP Part I (per paper) 3,750

Exemption CPSP Part II (per paper) 5,250

Exemption CPSP Part III (per paper) 6,000


11. What is the pass mark and the maximum attempts per unit?

The pass mark is 50% and the maximum number a student can attempt a module is 3 sittings.


12. Can I apply for exemptions with provisional transcripts?

Exemptions can only be applied using the final graduation transcripts and certificate.


13. Can I combine 2 parts?

A candidate has to complete one part before proceeding to the next part (pass all units).

We have training institutions across Kenya, South Sudan and Rwanda. Click HERE to access the list.

A registered student will access revision and reference materials on the student portal. The materials can also be sent to registered students via their email address

Currently we do not have the online examinations. One has to sit for the examinations at accredited examinations centres (see the list)

A CPSP-K holder will have competencies to work in the following areas;

  • Import & export
  • Sourcing, Procurement & Contract management
  • Transportation & Logistics
  • Inventory management
  • Consultancy
  • Academics, mentoring & Authoring
  • Procurement Auditing
  • Compliance

A CPSP-K holder will;

  • Have Competence and confidence to perform in different contexts
  • Have a competitive advantage in the job market
  • Be dependable, accountable and ethical
  • Respect from peers and other professionals

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