KCSE Past Papers Agriculture 2014 KNEC Past Paper Agriculture Paper

KCSE Past Papers Agriculture 2014
3.15.1 Agriculture Paper 1 (443/1)

SECTION A (30 marks)

Answer all the questions in the spaces provided.

1 State four advantages of organic farming.(2 marks)

2 Give four factors that can increase seed rates in crop production.(2 marks)

3 State four roles of organic matter in sandy soils.(2 marks)

4 Give four reasons for practicing minimum tillage.(2 marks)

5 What is meant by each of the following in crop production?

(a) Crop rotation;(1 mark)

(b) Mulching.(1 mark)

6 Give four reasons for inverting soil slices during primary cultivation.(2 marks)

7 State four cultural Ways of controlling couch grass (Digitaria scalarum).(2 marks)

8 (a) Name three vegetative parts that can be used to propagate pineapples.(1½ marks)

(b) State three disadvantages of vegetatively propagating pineapples.(1½ marks)

9 Name three sources of underground water.(1½ marks)

10 What is meant by each of the following in agroforestry?

(a) Pollarding;(1 mark)

(b) Coppicing;(1 mark)

(c) Lopping.(1 mark)

11 State the information included in a sales receipt when a farmer is selling eggs.(2½ mark

12 State two reasons for practising agroforestry on a

(a) river-bank;

(b) steep slope.(1 mark)

13 State three disadvantages of using plastic pipes to convey water. (1½ marks)

14 State three causes of blossom end rot in tomatoes. (1½ marks)

15 What is meant by the term preference and choice as used in agricultural economics? (1 mark)

SECTION B (20 marks)

Answer all the questions in the spaces provided.

16 (a) Distinguish between straight and compound fertilisers. (1 mark)

(b) A farmer applied 200 kg of CAN (20%N) per hectare on his five hectares maize crop.

Calculate the amount of nitrogen the farmer applied on his crop. Show your working. (4 marks)

17 The diagram below illustrates a type of soil erosion.

(a) Identify the type of erosion. (1 mark)

(b) How does the type of erosion shown above occur? (2 marks)

(c) How does cover cropping help to control the type of erosion shown above? (2 marks)

18 The table below shows the population and gross domestic products of countries A and B.

(a) Calculate the per capita income for each country. Show your working. (2 marks)

(b) Which of the two countries is more developed economically? (1 mark)

(c) Give a reason for your answer in (b) above. (1 mark)

(d) How can agriculture increase the gross domestic product of a country? (1 mark)

19 The photograph below shows weeds labelled A and B.

(a) Identify the weed labelled A. (1 mark)

A …………………………………………… ..

(b) State one mechanical control measure for the weed labelled A. (1 mark)

(c) Which category of herbicide will he most suitable to control the weeds labelled A and B?

A ……………………………………………(1 mark)

B ………………………………………………..(1 mark)

(d) Give a reason for your answer on weed B in (c) above.(1 mark)

Section C (40 marks)

Answer any two questions from this section in the spaces provided after question 22.

20 (a) Describe the various risks and uncertainties in crop farming.(10 marks)

(b) State the functions of Young Farmers Clubs in Kenya.(5 marks)

(c) Give the reasons for land registration in Kenya.(5 marks)

21 (a) Explain five ways in Which the Kenyan government can improve maize production to ensure food security in the country.(10 marks)

(b) Why is pruning done in crop production?(10 marks)

22 (a) The tables below give information on the supply and demand schedules for tomatoes on a market.

(i) Using the above data, plot supply and demand curves on the same axes. The axes have been labelled for you. (7 marks)

(ii) Determine the price at which 120 kg of tomatoes were supplied on the market. (1 mark)

(iii) How many kilograms of tomatoes were bought at a market price of Ksh. 13.00? (1 mark)

(iv) What was the equilibrium price for tomatoes on the market? (1 mark)

(b) Describe the production of maize under the following sub-headings:

(i) seedbed preparation; (4 marks)

(ii) planting; (3 marks)

(iii) harvesting. (3 marks)


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