KCSE Past Papers 2020 CRE Paper 2 (313/2)

Questions and Answers

Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education

2020 Christian religious Education (CRE) Paper 2

1. (a) Outline Isaiah’s prophecy on the suffering servant. (8 marks)


  • The servant will succeed in his work and will be highly honored.
  • The success and honour will surprise many who have witnessed the suffering.
  • The servant is despised, rejected and ignored by those who are with him.
  • He has nothing attractive. He is very ordinary and simple.
  • He is harshly treated, arrested, sentenced to death and killed.
  • His body is buried with the bodies of rich men.
  • He endures all that is done to him in humble silence.
  • He accepts the suffering which should have been received by others for their sins.
  • Through his suffering, human beings are reconciled to God.
  • It was the will of God that the servant should suffer.
  • His death is a sacrifice to bring forgiveness of sin.(b) With reference to the infancy narratives in Luke 1 and 2, explain ways in which the birth of Jesus was an extraordinary event. (6 marks) 
  • The conception of Jesus was through the power of the Holy Spirit.
  • Jesus was born of a virgin.
  • His birth was announced by angel Gabriel.
  • His name was given before his birth/ His name was given by an Angel.
  • He was to be called the son of the most High God.
  • He would be holy.
  • He would have an everlasting kingdom.
  • When he was born, an Angel appeared to the shepherds to announce his birth/a multitude of Angels sang songs of praise.(c) Give six lessons Christians learn from the parents of John the Baptist. (6 marks) 
  • Christians should obey God’s commandments. 16 Faith in God
  • They should be patient./persevere
  • Christians should be prayerful.
  • Christians should lead holy lives/be upright righteous
  • Christians should desire to be led by the Holy Spirit.
  • Christians should have faith in God/believe in God’s word.
  • Christians should serve God irrespective of their circumstances.
  • Christians learn that doubting God’s word can lead to punishment.
  • The should praise/worship the Lord/be Thankful/ Grateful.2. (a)Give five reasons why Jesus was rejected in Nazareth.(5 marks) 
  • Jesus claimed to be the messiah fulfilling Isaiah’s prophecy.
  • Jesus did not perform miracles in Nazareth as he had performed in Capernaum.
  • He annoyed the listeners by telling them that their forefathers had rejected/persecuted the prophets of God. 4 good news he
  • He told the people that since they had rejected the good news it would be given to the Gentiles.
  • The Jews in Nazareth were annoyed when Jesus compared them un favourably with the Gentiles.
  • He told them that no prophet is accepted in his own home town/he was aware they would reject him
  • They Knew him as the son of Joseph/Carpenter. (b) Describe the incident in which Jesus healed the Centurion’s servant. (Luke 7:1-10) (7 marks)
  • Jesus entered the town of Capernaum.
  • A centurion who had a very sick servant heard that Issue was in town
  • He sent Jewish elders to Jesus asking him to come to his house and heal his sick servant/slave.
  • The elders went to Jesus and persuaded him to go and heal the servant since the centurion had
  • built them a synagogues loved their
  • Jesus accepted to go with them.
  • )  Before he reached the house, the centurion sent his friends to tell Jesus not to go to his house because he was not worthy to have him in his house.
  • He requested Jesus to say a word for it would heal his servant just us the centurion coommands his officer’s/servants and they obey him.
  • Jesus marveled at what the centurion had said.
  • Jesus told the multitude that he had not found such faith in Israel.
  • When those who had been sent returned to the house, they found the servant/slave healed.(c) Identify eight ways through which the Church is continuing with the healing ministry of Jesus. (8 marks)Christians pray for/ preach to the sick
  • Laying hands on the sick/ anointing them/ any other miraculous healing
  • Providing guidance and counseling services
  • Constructing hospitals/ health centers/ rehabilitation centers
  • Providing preventive/ curative drugs/ treating the sick
  • Paying medical expenses for the sick
  • Producing/ disseminating literature/ electronic media on health issues
  • Preaching against evil/ causes of ailments that interfere with good health
  • Providing food/ clothing/ shelter/ finances to the sick/ needy
  • Visiting the sick
  • Training medical personnel
  • Educating through seminars/ workshops
  • Donating blood/organs to save life3. (a) Describe the triumphant entry of Jesus into Jerusalem. (Luke 19: 28-40) (6 marks) 
  • Jesus was passing through Bethphage./Bethany and the mount of Olives.
  • He sent two of his disciples to get him a colt which had not been sat on.
  • He told them that if the owner of the colt asked them why they were untying it they were to say that the lord needed it.
  • The disciples brought the colt.’ they threw their garments on it set Jesus upon it.
  • As Jesus rode on people spread their garments on the red.
  • The multitude begun to rejoice/praise God for the mighty works they had seen/blessed is the king who comes in the name of the lord
  • Some Pharisees told Jesus to silence the disciples.
  • Jesus told them that if the disciples are to be quiet. then the stores would cry out.
  • The owner of the colt sought to know where it was being taken to, they told him that Lord needed it. (b) Outline the events that took place from the time Jesus was arrested up to when he was sentenced to death. (7 marks)Jesus was taken to the house of the high priest.
  • Peter denied Jesus three times.
  • Jesus was mocked beaten/blind folded.
  • Jesus was taken to the Sanhedrin/they made religions accusations against him.
  • Jesus was taken to Pilate/they made political accusations
  • He was sent to Herod who questioned/ridiculed him.
  • Jesus was taken back to Pilate/Pilate said that he had not found Jesus guilty.
  • Pilate had Jesus flogged/beaten.
  • The crowd shouted that Jesus should be crucified/demanded for the release of Barabbas.
  • Pilate surrendered Jesus to be crucified(c) Give seven lessons Christians learn from the suffering and death of Jesus. (7 marks)Christians should have faith in God.
  • They should endure suffering/ be ready to be rejected.
  • They should forgive their enemies.
  • Christians should repent/ confess their sins.
  • They should be obedient/ loyal to God.
  • They should stand for the truth at all times.
  • Christians should sacrifice for the service of others.
  • They should be prayerful/ pray for others.
  • Christians should witness/ surrender to the Lordship of Christ.
  • Christians should be courageous/ brave.4. (a) Outline what Peter said about Jesus on the day of Pentecost. (6 marks)The coming of the Holy Spirit was in fulfillment of Joel’s prophecy (Joel 2:28-32)
  • Jesus had seal the Holy Spirit as a fulfillment of His promise to the disciples
  • Jesus of Nazareth was the son of God
  • Jesus performed mighty deeds, wonders and signs through God’s power
  • Jesus delivered into the hands of evil men, suffered and was crucified in accordance with God’s will
  • God raised Jesus from the dead to fulfill the prophecy of David (Psalms 16:8-11)
  • The apostles were living witnesses to resurrection
  • Jesus had been exalted into heaven and sits at the right hand of God to fulfill David’s prophecy (Psalms 110:1)
  • God has made Jesus both Lord and Judge
  • The people were moved by Peter’s speech and asked what they were to do to escape God’s judgment
  • Peter invited there to repent and be baptized in the name of Jesus for the forgiveness of sins
  • About 3000 people accepted Peter’s message and were baptized on this day.(b) Explain how the unity of believers is expressed in the concept of the vine and the branches.(8 marks)Paul describes believers as the body of Christ.
  • Christ is the head of the church.
  • The believers’ forms part of the body.
  • The body has different organs .In the way the church has different members.
  • They all need to work together for the well being of the church.
  • Every part of the body is needed to make it whole/all parts are interdepent /one part cannot be without the other.
  • The different church members are given different spiritual gifts by the holy spirit to carry out God`s work.
  • There should be no division in the church since all the believers are members of the body of Christ.
  • Believers are united through baptism.(c) Give six reasons why Christians in Kenya should work in unity. (6 marks) 
  • Christians should work in unity to serve as role models/be examples to be emulated.
  • In order to promote oneness in Christ.
  • In order to realize effective ministry/evangelism.
  • So that they can have a common stand in dealing with issues that affect the society/promote development.
  • To share the scarce resources/minimize expenses.
  • In order to adapt a common attitude towards the integration of African culture into worship.
  • To prevent the germination of splinter groups/cults/sects.
  • So as to emulate the unity of the early church/the trinity.5. (a)Outline seven causes of homosexuality in Kenya today.(7 marks) 
  • There is permissiveness in the society./ moral decadence
  • Due to lack of self-control
  • Lack of guidance and counselling.
  • Peer pressure/bad company.
  • Due to drug and substance abuse.
  • Due to confinement of people of the same gender for a long time
  • Poverty/lack of basic necessities.
  • Due to Western influence.
  • Erosion of traditional African norms.
  • Due to influence from pornographic materials/mass media(b) State seven similarities between traditional African and Christian understanding of marriage. (7 marks) 
  • In both marriage is ordained by God/sacred.
  • In both marriage is meant for procreation.
  • In both marriage creates a new bond of relationship covenant.
  • In both it promotes the social status of those who enter it.
  • In both marriage should be permanent.
  • It is a communal/social affair in both
  • Marriage is for mutual love/companionship in both.
  • In both remarriage is encouraged after the death of a spouse.
  • In both the husband & wife should give conjugal rights to each
  • In both marriage is between man & woman(c) Give six effects of divorce on children in Kenya today. (6 marks) 
  • It leads to loss of parental love/care.
  • The children suffer emotional imbalance.
  • It may lead to street children/destitutes.
  • It may lead to children dropping out of school.
  • The children might engage in crime/prostitution.
  • It can lead to child abuse/labour.
  • It can lead to child marriages/teenage pregnancies
  • It leads to poverty in the family/lack of basic needs.
  • It can lead to children getting diseases/death.
  • It leads to stigma/disgrace on the child.6. (a)Outline the traditional African understanding of wealth.(6 marks) 
  • Wealth is a blessing from God.
  • It is part and parcel of human existence.
  • It is measured in the amount of property/wives/children one has.
  • It can be individually/communally owned.
  • Wealth is acquired through hard work/inheritance/gift.
  • Wealth determines ones social status.
  • Wealth should be used to help the needy in society.
  • There are rules governing how it is distributed.
  • Wealth is used to worship God/appease ancestors.(b) Explain seven causes of bribery and corruption in Kenya today. 
  • Unemployment – a person seeking employment may give a bribe to be offered a job.
  • Poverty – a person may give/receive bribes to obtain favour.
  • Greed for wealth – the desire to get rich quickly may make some people to ask for bribes in order to discharge their duties.
  • Greed for power – some people give bribes to get promotion/leadership positions.
  • Lack of morals – poor upbringing/lack of a firm foundation in moral values makes some people to easily accept/give a
  • Ignorance – some people may not know their right to be given certain services hence give bribes unknowingly.
  • Fear – people who have committed crime may bribe the authority to escape punishment.
  • To overcome shame – a person may give a bribe to guard his/her reputation.
  • Justice system – the process of getting justice is slow/long hence people give bribes for a short cut/hasten the process.(c) Give seven reasons why a Christian family should discuss its budget.(7 marks) 
  • To avoid running into debts by over spending of the family resources.
  • To encourage members of the family to work hard to meet their budget.
  • To be able to allocate funds according to their priorities.
  • To avert/prevent suspicion/misunderstanding quarrels in the family.
  • To assist members of the family to be realistic in their needs/eliminate selfishness.
  • To help members of the family to plan for the future/make savings.
  • To promote transparency/honesty/accountability among members of the family.
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