KCSE Past Papers 2020 Home Science Paper 2 (441/2)

KCSE 2020 Home Science Paper 2 (441/2)



a)Work well pressed (½) and folded (½).<p

b)Label (½) firmly fixed (½) without concealing details (½) and on a single fabric (½).</p


c)Pins/needles (½), and unnecessary threads (½) removed.




(a) All nine pieces cut-out ½ x 9

(b) Smooth cutting of the short front (1) and on soaight

grain (½)


(c) Smooth cutting of the short back (1) and on straight

grain (½)½

(d) Smooth cutting of the front waistband (½) and on

straight grain (½ ) 1


Smooth cutting of the back waistband (½) and on

(9 straight grain (½)

Smooth cutting of the front facing (½) and on 1

straight grain (½) 1

(g) Smooth cutting of the back facing (½) and on

straight grain (½) 1

(h) Pocket smoothly cut along the edges (1) and on

straight grain (½)


Sub-total 13


3. DART (Single Pointed)

Straight stitchery (1) tapering to nothing (½) Thread well fastened at the tip (1).

Correct length of dart (6cm) to within 2mm (5.8cm 6.2cm) (1)

Correct width at the broader end (0.5cm) to within 2mm along stitching line (0.3cm – 0.7cm) (1) Dart pressed towards C.B. U›



(a) Evenly folded top hem (½) and well neatened raw

edges (½)

(b) Raw edges neatly tucked under (3×1) with the

bottom edge well rounded (½) and smooth (½) 4

(c) Pocket attached with straight stitchery close to the

edge (3 x ½) ½

(d) Reinforcement of pocket opening 2 x ½

(c) Evenly trimmed pocket seam allowances

(½ x 3) (see through light) ½

(g) Flatness of pocket on WS (1) and RS (1)

Correct shape (1) size (1) superimposed to within 2



(if not double stitched seam give zero (0)

(a) First row of stitchery made with straight stitches (1)

(b) Raw edges well tucked under (½)

(c) Evenness of seam (½) and correct size 0.5cm to

Within (½)

(d) Flatness of seam on R.S. (½) and on W.S (½)

(e) Fell facing back of short (½)

( Seam worked on right side (½)

(g) Straight stitchery (1) of the second row close to the

edge (1) 2

(h) Two rows (1) of stitchery showing on right side (1) 2



6. FRENCH SEAM (if not french seam give zero (0)


(a) Seam joined with straight stitchery (1 x 2) 2

(b) Seam well knife edged (1 x 2) 2

(c} Evenness of seam (1 x 2). 2

(d) Correct size (6mm) to within 2mm (4mm-8mm) (2) 2

(c) Seam pressed towards the back at the hem (Z2) and waist (U). I

(f) Flatness at the hem on R.S. (1) and W.S. (1). 2

(g) Seam neatly finished on the RS i.e. no threads (1) 1

Sub-total 12


(a) Facings correctly joined at the sides (½ x 2) and

seam (½ x 2) 2

(b) Facing joined to lower edge with straight stitchery (2 x 1) 2

(c) Seam trimmed (½ x 2) and under stitched (½ x 2) 2

(d) L-acing well knifed edged (U› x 2) and held in place

with straight stitchery (½ x 2) 2

(e) Raw edges well tucked under 2 x 1. 2

(f) Facing flat on RS (½ x 2) and on WS (½ x 2) 2

(g) Facing seam flash with side seam to within 2mm (1) 1

(h) Facing side seam flash z ith short side seam to within

(i) Facings u e11 top stitched with straight stitchery (2 x 1) 2




(a) Front and back waistband joined (2 x ½) 1

(b) Waistband top edge well knife edged (2 x 1) 2

(c) Waistband correctly attached to the waistline (2 x 1) 2

(d) Stitching line made with straight stitchery(2 x 1) 2

(e) Raw edges of waistband appropriately tucked under

(2 x 1) (mark by impression) 2

(I) Waistband CF flash with short C.F. (lb)

(g) Waistband CB flash with short CB (½)

(h) Flatness of waistband on RS (½) and WS (½) 1

(i) Evenness of waistband 3.3cm to within 2mm (3.lcm

— 3.5cm) (2 x 1) 2

(j) Quality of tackmg stitches (1) 1

(k) Waistband side seam (½) flash with short side seam to within 2mm (½) 1


(a) Stitches worked from right (½) to left (½) 1

(b) Stitches evcn (1) and not showing on the RS (1) 2


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