KCSE Past Papers 2020 CRE Paper 1 (313/1)

Questions and Answers

Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education

2020 Christian religious Education (CRE) Paper 1

1. (a) List books of the Bible in the Old Testament referred to as books of minor prophets.(6 marks)

(ii) Micah

(iii) Nahum

(iv) Habakkia

(v) Zephaniah

(vi) Haggai

(vii) Zechariah

(viii) Malachi

(xii) Obadiah

(xiii) Jonah

(b) Outline the effects of the translation of the Bible into African languages.(8 marks)

(i) The scriptures have been written in languages that Africans can understand.

(ii) It has enabled further spread of Christianity/has led to more converts.

(iii) lt led to rise of African Independent Churches/schools

(iv) It led to development of reading/writing/formal education literacy

(v) It led to establishment of printing press to meet more demands uf the Bible/publishing houses

(vi) It led to the establishment of Bible socicties to translate the Bible into more local Languanges.

(vii) It has led to further research into.African religions heritage

(viii) It has created jobs/employment in the printing brms/publishing fmns

(ix) It led to Africans identifying with Christianity.

(x) It led to development of African local languages

(xi) It has promoted ccumental movements among Christians.

(xii) It made Africans to demand for leadership roles in the church.

xiii) It led to the division of the church due to different interpretations of the scriptures


(c) Give six ways in which Christians in Kenya use the Bible to spread the Good News.(6 marks)

(i)Christians read the Bible to others so that they can hear the word of God church sermons/ wedding/burial ceremonies.

(ii) They use the Bible to instruct/teach new converts.

(iii) The Bible is used us main text in teaching’’learning Christian Religious Education in Institutions.

(iv) They use the Bible as a basic reference book in general search of knowledge/development of Christian Religious syllabus.

(v) Christians use the Bible to compose Christian songs/hymns/drama/

(vi) They use the Bible when writing Christian books/magazines

(vii) It is used during discussions/Bible study/fellowships

(viii) Bible is used in prayers/faith healing

(ix) It is used for guidance and counselling

(x) Its distributed to other people to read it on their own

2. (a) State the activities carried out by the Israelites on in the night of the Passover. (6 marks)

(i) They chose a lamb, one year old without blemish

(ii) The Israelites slaughtered the animals/goats/sheep.

(iii) They smeared blood on their door post/frames

(iv) They roasted the animals whole.

(v) They ate unlenvened bread/bitter herbs/roasted meat

(vi) Tbey ntc while standing/ in a hurry

(vii) They dress and packed their belongings.

(viii) They burnt the left overs/remains

(ix) They remnined in their houses/ indoors

(x) Tney borrowed jewelry from the Egyptians

(b) State six ways in which Abraham demonstrated his faith in God. (6 marks)

(i) He obeyed God’s call/left his homeland to unknown land.

(ii) He agreed to enter into a covenant relationship with God

(iii) Abraham was willing to sacrifice his only son lsaoc

(iv) He accepted to be circumcised together with his household

(v) Abraham built altars for God at Shechein and Bethel

(vi) He agreed to change his name and that of his wife.

(vii) Abraham believed in the promises given to him by God

(viii) He abandoned the worship of idols/started worshipping the true God.

(ix) He offered animals/birds for sacrifice.

(c) Explain why some people in Kenya find it difficult to worship God.(8 marks)

(i) Some people have a lot Of wealth/affluence/power/ pride, therefore they see no need of worshipping God.

(ii) Other people live in abject poverty hence they lose hope in God.

(iii) Some people are discourage by bad examples set by some members/ leaders/poor role models.

(iv) Influence by modern technology whereby some people spend more time on their phone /computers hence have no time to worship God/ science technology providing solutions to many problems.

(v) Constant conflicts in some churches

(vi) Some people have no faith in God/spiritual matters therefore they cannot worship God/ no knowledge of God.

(vii) Some people give up on worshipping Cmd when their reeds arc nnt inetprayers not answered.

(viii) Some people do not worship God because they believe in other forces/powers of darkness/witchcraft devil worship

(ix) Some people fear to be ridiculed/ mocked by their friends/peers hence fail to worship God.

3. (a) Describe the incident in which King Ahab took Naboth’s vineyard (1 Kings 21: I -16) (8 marks)

(ii) King Ahab asked Naboth to give him the vineyard and sell it to him for a vegatable garden.

(iii) Naboth refused to sell it to King Ahab because it was an inheritance from his forefathers

(iv) King Ahab went home directly sad, disappointed, and refused to eat.

(v) His wife Jezebel asked him why he was sad.

(vi) When Ahab explained what Naboth had told him, Jezebel asked him whether he was the king or not said she would give Ahab the vineyard of Naboth

(vii) Jezebel wrote letters to the elders of the city instructing them to

accuse Naboth of blasphemy/treason.

(viii) The elders organize for Naboth to be punished/killed.

(ix) Naboth was taken outside to the city where he was stoned/killed.

(x) When Jezebel heard about the death of Naboth, she told King Ahab to go and take possession of the vineyard.

(xi) King Ahab went to possess the vineyard.

(b) Outine six forms of punishment prophesied by EJijah to King Abab and Jezebel after taking Naboth’s vineyard. (8 marks)

(i) The death of King Ahab would be in the same place where Naboth was stoned /killed.

(ii)God would bring evil upon King Ahab.

(iii)God would take away the prosperity ofAhab/his rule would come to an end.

(iv)Dogs would lick the blood or Ahab where Naboth’s blood was licked.

(v)All the male children/slaves of King Ahab would be cut off.

(vi)Dogs would eat anybody from Ahab ‘s homc who die In the city.

(vii)Birds of the air would eat anybody from Ahab’s house who would die in the fields.

(viii) Dogs would eat the body of Jezebel/ Jezebel would die within the bounds of Jezebel.

(c) State six lessons Christians learn from the ministry of Prophet Elijah.(6 marks)

(i) Christians should worship the true God only.

(ii) Christians should courageously condemn all forms of con-uption/ evil in society.

(iii) Christians should be loyal/ obedient to God.

(iv)Christians should be willing to carry out God’s work despite the challenges they may

(v)face/endure persecutions.

(vi)Christians should lead holy/righteous lives to avoid God’s punishment.

(vii)Christians should be prayerful.

(viii) Christians should fight for the poor/weak to avoid any form of oppression/promote .

justice in the society.

(viii) Christians should trust/have faith in God.

4 (a) Identify sever ways in which the Israelites disobeyed God during the time of Prophet Amos (7 marks)

(i)The Israelites practiced idolatry/hypocritical religion.

(ii)There was murder.

(iii)The rich oppressed the poor/sold them as slaves.

(iv)There was sexual immorality/temple prostitution.

(v)There was cheating in business/use of false scales.

(vi)The rich were selfish/greedy Lived in excessive luxury.

(vii)There was drunkenness in Israel/ forcing the Nazarites to drink wine.

(viii)There was bribery/injustice in courts of law.

(ix)There was robbery/violence.

(b) Outline the teaching of Prophet Amos on Israel’s election.(6 marks)

(i)Israel’s election was out of God’s initiative/love for them.

(ii)The election made them a holy nation/God’s chosen nation.

(iii)Israel was given a special responsibility by God/to serve Him

(iv)Failure to meet their responsibility to God would attract God’s punishment.

(v)God could choose any other nation of Israel failed to serve Him.

(vi)The Israelites were delivered from bondage in Egypt by God because of the election.

(Vii)God had protected the Israelites in the wilderness because of the election.

(viii)God raised priests and prophets I gave them laws to guide them in the covenant way of life.

(ix)God gave the land to possess

(x)God led them in the wilderness


(c) Give ways in which the church is promoting social justice in Kenya today. (7 marks)

(i)By educating the public on social justice/providing civic education/ holding seminars/workshops.

(ii)By respecting/obeying the laws of the country as laid down by the government.

(iii)By helping the needy in society.

(iv)By preaching on social justice.

(v)The church guides and counsels victims of social injustice.

(vi)The church condemns injustices in society.

(vii)The church prays for people (leaders to practice social justice.

(viii)The advocates for equal distribution of resources/fights for the rights of the less privileged In the society.

(ix)Members of the church lead exemplary lives by being just/fair.

(x)The church punishes its en-ant members

(xi)The church reports those who commit social injustices to the relevant authorities/exposing the culprits


5. (a) Describe the dedication of the wall of Jerusalem under the leadership of Nehemiah.{Nehemiah 12: 27-47) (7 marks)

(i)Nehemiah summoned the Levites/priests/political leaders to come to Jerusalem to give thanks to God.

(ii)The sons of the singers gathered around Jerusalem/they sang/praised using musical instruments.

(iii)The Levites/priests purified themselves/ purified the people.

(iv)The gates/wall was purified.

(v)Nehemiah brought the prince of Judah

(vi)Appointed two great groups which went in two processions.

(vii)One group led by Ezra the scribe went to the right while the other group led by Nehemiah went to the left they then converged in the house of God.

(viii)The people led by the priests offered sacrifices of dedication to God.

(ix)Women/children rejoiced/was a moment of great joy.

(x)Nehemiah then chose people who would ensure that the contributions/tithes/offerings were handled well.

(xi)A service of purification was performed.


(b) Give reasons why Nehemiah carried out religious reforms in Judah.(6 marks)

(i)To preserve the identity of the Jews as people of God / covenant way of life.

(ii)To separate the Jews from foreign influence.

(iii)To purify the temple which had been defiled by keeping a foreigner.

(iv)To reinstate the services of the Levites as priests in the temple.

(v)To restore the tithing system that had been forgotten for the upkeep of the Temple.

(vi)To ensure that the Sabbath day was free from business activities.

(vii)In order to cleanse the Jews who had intermarried with foreigners I exposed to idolatry.

(viii)Restore true worship

(c) Identify seven ways in which the Government of Kenya supports the Church in its work. (7 marks)

(i)The government gives financial/material assistance for development.

(ii)The government supports church-sponsored institutions.

(iii)By setting land aside for construction of church facilities.

(iv)The government allows freedom of worship.

(v)By availing facilities to host church workshops/seminars/conferences.

(vi)By including CRE in the curriculum.

(vii)By employing some of them as Chaplains in education institutions and in the armed forces.

(viii)Organizing national prayer days.

(ix)Supporting leaders in conducting their charitable services.

(x)Through the development of the infrastructure.

(xi)The government has granted permission to the church to operate electronic/media station.

(xii)The government recognizes the church calendar

6. (a) State the role of elders in traditional African communities. (7 marks)

(i)Elders are custodians of traditions customs/teach the history of the community_

(ii)They make laws in the cornmuruly

(iii)They settle disputes in the community.

(iv)They fix dates for community rituals/ceremonies.

(v)Elders preside over the distribution of property/ inheritance.

(vi)They negotiate for peace with other communities.

(vii)They advise the members of the community oo the steps to take during times of difficulties/calamities

(viii)They are in charge/preside over the community rituals/ceremonies.

They teach the youths on their responsibilities/duties in the community.

(ix)They reprimand/punish the wrongdoers/law offenders.

(x)They act as the spokesman for their communities.

(xi)They are mediators between God/ spirits/ancestors and people.



(b) Outline the requirements that one has to fulfil to be made an elder in traditional African communities. (6 marks)

(i)Having the right specific age.

(ii)Should be knowledgeable on matters of the communities/wise.

(iii)Should be sane/of sound mind/good health.

(ix)One should be of good conduct/character.

(v)Should have udergone the rites of initiation marriage

(xi)One should have the ability to provide for others/wealthy

(vii)Should be a bonfide member of the community.

(iii)By undergoing the rituals of becoming an elder.

(ix)Have children.

(c) Identify seven factors that are undermining the role of elders in Kenya today. (7 marks)

(i)Most judicial duties have been taken over by the courts.

(ii)Christianity/modern religions have established their own leadership styles/systems.

(iii)Western education when the learned no longer value the elders.

(iv)Urbanization/migration has made people move away from their communities.

(v)Western culture/way of life which promotes individualism.

(vi)Intermarriage/intermingling has weakened the values of elders.

(vii)The laws are made in parliament,/constitution of Kenya is applied.

(viii)Influence from modern technology where people rely on it for information.

(ix)Wealth is taken as a symbol of status regardless of one’s age.

(x)Moral decadence/ permissiveness

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