KCSE Past Papers 2019 English Paper 1 (101/1)

2019 English Paper 1

1. Imagine you have recently transferred to another school. Write a letter to your best friend in your former school persuading him or her to transfer to your new school.

In your letter, give at least three reasons why this school is better than your former school. (20 marks)

2. Read the passage below and fill in each blank space with the most appropriate word. (10 marks)

Regardless your intelligence and the way you learn, knowing how to concentrate is critical to a student’s success. Concentration is a (a)………… that is developed through self-discipline and (b)………………. It is a habit that (c)…………….. time and effort to develop for consistent success. Athletes have it. Surgeons have it; and successful students (d)…………. have it. Concentration can be defined as the process of paying attention or (e)………… full attention on the task (f)……………. hand. The mark of a genius is the (g) to concentrate on one thing at a time. This is (h)…………… if the task is fun and exciting. (i)…………. it becomes more difficult when one is required to read (j)………….. that is boring or complicated.

(Adapted from: Bridging the Gap by Brenda D. Smith, Pearson Education Inc. 2008)

3. (a) Study the poem below,and then answer the questions that follows.

A stooped old man and a young man Chanced to meet one day.

The young one said io the elder ln his usual braggart way,

“Why don’t you walk up straight like me?

That’s no way to grow old;

lt’s all a form of habit;

At least that’s what I’m told.”

The old man gave him a knowing look, And said,

“My dear young friend,

Have you ever examined your wheat field,

And noticed the heads that bend?

If not, just look them over As harvest time draws nigh;

You’ll find that the heads that are empty Are standing tall and high,

But the heads that count in the harvest Are filled and bending low,

Awaiting the reaper’s sickle;

Their time is short, they know.”

And as the young man passed on by,

He slowly bowed his head,

No doubt he pondered many a day

On the things that the old man said.

From How to Teach Poetry by Amy Z. Davis and Florence Stratton.

Heinemann Edu Books, 1984

(i) Identify two features of oral songs in this poem. (4 marks)

(ii) Identify any two words that yo would stress in the second line of the last stanza. Explain your answer.(3 marks)

(iiì) How would you performe the fifth line of the first stanza? ( 2 marks)

(b) Identify the intonation in thc following sentences: ( 2 marks)

(¡) Did you do your home work? …………………

(ii) What a beautiful gírl!……………………..

(iii) Get out of sight now………………………

(c) For each of the following words, provide another that is pronounced in the same way. (6 marks)

(i) whale ……………………………..

(ii) Need ……………………………

(iii) Seem ………………………………

(iv) Queue ………………………………

(v) Rain ………………………………..

(vi) Pair ………………………………..

(d) Assume that you attended a youth conference on drug abuse.

Your principal has asked you to give an oral report during an assembly.

How would you use your voice effectively? ( 6 marks)

(e) For each of the situations below write what you would say.

(i) Would you like to join us for tea? ( 1 mark)

(ii) Thank you for the wonderful gift. (1 mark)

You wait to seek Clarification. (2 marks)

(iv) You did not complete your homework because you were not feeling well last night.

You go to your class teacher to explain (2 marks)

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