KCSE Past Papers 2019 CRE Paper 2 (313/2)

Questions and Answers

Christian Religious Education Paper 2

1. (a) List five titles that Prophet Isaiah used to refer to the future Messiah. (5 marks)

(i) Prince of peace.

(ii) Eternal/everlasting father

(iii) Wonderful counsellor

(iv) Immanuel

(v) Mighty God

(b) Describe the annunciation of the birth of John the Baptist by Angel Gabriel. (Luke l:5-25) (8 marks)

(i) Zechariah was in the temple burning incense/ performing his priestly duties

(ii) An angel of God appeared to him at the altar

(iii) Zechariah was overcome with fear

(iv) The angel told him not to be afraid

(v) He told him that his prayers had been heard/Elizabeth his wife would bear a son.

(vi) The angel said that they were to call him John.

(vii) The angel said that the child would be great in God’s sight/would not drink wine/ would be filled with the Holy Spirit from birth.

(viii) Zechariah questioned the possibility of having a child since he and his wife were old

(ix) The angel revealed his name as Gabriel/said he had been sent by God

(x) The angel told Zechariah that he would not be able to speak until the time the child is born.

(xi) Zechariah delayed in the temple which made the worshippers to wonder.

(xii) When he came out, he could not speak/he made signs to the people/ people perceived that he had seen a vision in the temple.

(c) State seven ways in which a Christian couple should respond to the challenge of being childless. (7 marks)

(i) The couple should pray to God to bless them with children.

(ii) They should seek guidance and counselling from the church leaders.

(iii) The couple should seek for medical advice/assistance.

(iv) They should be patient/not anxious.

(v) They can adopt children.

(vi) The couple should remain faithful to each other.

(vii) The couple can take/care with children of their relatives for company.

2. (a) State five reasons why Jesus used parables in his teaching. (5 marks)

(a) Reasons why Jesus used parables in his teaching.

(i) Jesus used parables in order to attract listeners/audience.

(ii) He wanted to provoke his listeners to think for themselves/make

individual judgment.

(iii) In order to isolate serious / keen listeners from those who were not.

(iv) He wanted to keep his identity secret.

(v) The use of parables was to avoid direct confrontation with Jewish religious leaders.

(vi) It was a demonstration of his wisdom.

(vii) It was a common method of teaching


(b) Describe the parable of the good Samaritan. (Luke 10:29-37).(7 marks)

(i) A lawyer asked Jesus who a neighbour is.

(ii) Jesus responded by telling him the parable of the good Samaritan.

(iii) He said a man was on his way to Jericho from Jerusalem when he fell among robbers.

(iv) They stripped him/beat him/departed leaving him half dead.

(v) A priest who was going down that road saw him but passed on the other side.

(vi) A Levite came, saw him but also passed on the other side.

(vii) But a Samaritan, as he journeyed came to where he was.

(viii) He had compassion/bound up his wounds after pouring oil/wine on them.

(ix) He set him on his beast/took him to an inn to rest.

(x) He paid the inn keeper/promised to come back and pay whatever else would be used in caring for the injured man.

(xi) Jesus then asked who among the three proved to be a neighbour to the man who fell among the robbers.

(xii) The lawyer replied that it was the one who had shown mercy

(xiii) Jesus told him to go and do likewise.

(c) Give seven reasons why some Christians find it difficult to help the needy. (7 marks)

(i) Some Christians lack what to share with the needy/inadequate resources.

(ii) There are too many needy cases in the society hence they help a few.

(iii) Sometimes it is difficult to identify the needy cases since some tend to pretend.

(iv) Due to tribal/ethnic barriers whereby some do not help those who belong to other communities.

(v) Denominational differences whereby some Christians are not read to share with those who do not belong to their group

(vi) Poor infrastructure/communication in some areas make it difficult to reach the needy.

(vii) Selfishness/individualism which makes Some Christians ignore the plight/suffering of the needy.

(viii) Political affiliations can influence Christians against helping those who do not belong to their camp.

3. (a) State the teaching of Jesus on how a Christian should approach God in prayer. (7 marks)

(i) Prayer should be addressed to God as the father.

(ii) One should go to a secret/quiet place.

(iii) A Christian should be specific/precise when praying.

(iv) One should have faith/pray expectantly.

(v) One should be persistent in prayer.

(vi) One should praise/adore God when praying.

(vii) One should confess his/her sins.

(viii) One should forgive others when praying.

(ix) One should ask for his/her needs in prayer.

(x) A Christian should approach God with humility.

(xi) One should pray for God’s will to be done.

(b) Describe the incident in which Jesus healed ten lepers. (Luke 17:11-19). (6 marks)

(i) Jesus was on his way to Jerusalem.

(ii) He met ten men who were suffering from leprosy.

(iii) The men stood at a distance/shouted at Jesus to have mercy on them.

(iv) Jesus told them to go and show themselves to the priests.

(v) As they went, they were healed/cleansed.

(vi) One of them, a Samaritan came back praising God/ thanked Jesus.

(vii) Jesus asked where the other nine were/wondered at the fact that only a foreigner returned to praise God.

(viii) Jesus asked the man to rise/go his way for his faith had made him well.

(c) Identify seven ways in which Christians demonstrate their faith in God. (7 marks)

(i) Christians pray to God/pronounce blessings in the name of God.

(ii) They give offerings/tithes in church.

(iii) They confess/repent their sins/forgive others.

(iv) By building places of worship for God.

(v) They undergo baptism/partake of the Holy Communion.

(vi) By visiting places perceived to be Holy/sacred.

(vii) By obeying the teachings of Christ/commandments/reading the word of God.

(viii) Caring for God’s creation / helping the needy

(ix) Composing/singing songs to God.

(x) Dedicating their lives/time to serve God in various positions/ preaching the gospel.

4. (a) State the teaching of Saint Paul on the proper use of the gifts of the Holy Spirit in the church. (7 marks)

(i) The gifts of the Holy Spirit should be used for the common good of all.

(ii) They should be used to edify/strengthen/encourage/comfort


(iii) They should be used to bring unity/not to discriminate/divide


(IV) There is need to respect/appreciate all the gifts.

(V) The gifts of the Holy Spirit should be used in love.

(vi) The gift of speaking in tongues should be minimized in public worship.

(vii) There is need to have interpretation of tongues for them to be meaningful/helpful.

(viii) The gifts should be used in an orderly manner/should not be used to bring confusion in the church.

(ix) Prophecies should be carefully evaluated/their ways.


(b) Explain how the unity of believers is expressed in the image of the bride. (5 marks)

(i) Christians are the bride

(ii) Jesus is the bridegroom.

(iii) Christians/church are to be committed to Christ as the bride is committed to the bridegroom.

(iv) The church is loved by Christ just as the bridegroom loves his bride.

(V) The Church must remain pure/holy through love/faith in Jesus as

the bride keeps her purity for her husband.

(vi)The committed Christians will be taken to a new home/heaven just as the bride is taken home by her husband.

)vii)The union between Christ and the church will be everlasting just as the union between the bride and the bridegroom is permanent.

(c) Outline the role of the Holy Spirit in the Church today. (8 marks)

(i) The Holy Spirit enables Christians to make the right decisions/ gives wisdom/counsel.

(ii) The Holy Spirit enables Christians to worship God/pray/sing.

(iii) He gives believers deep understanding/revelation of God.

(iv) He unites believers as one body of Christ.

(v) He helps individuals to know who Jesus Christ is/aspire to live Christ like lives.

(vi) The Holy Spirit convicts people of their sins/leads them to confess/


(Vii) He strengthens the faith of Christians.

(viii) The Holy Spirit enables believers to do works of mercy/charity/ kindness.

(ix) He gives them power to perform miracles.

(x) He enables believers to distinguish/different ate between spirits.

(xi) He enables Christians to speak/interpret tongues.

(xii) The Holy Spirit enables Christians to prophesy/preach the word of God/leads to the growth of the church.

5. (a) Outline six roles of a professional code in a work place. (6 marks)

(i) It contains the rules relating to employment/promotion/ payment/ termination of services/matters pertaining to the profession.

(ii) It gives guidance on how professionals should relate to one another/those they serve.

(iii) It safeguards professionals against being compromised in their jobs/enables them to maintain their jobs/personal integrity.

(iv) It determines the expected levels of performance of a particular job.

(v) It serves as a measure of competence/determines entry requirements/qualification needed.

(vi) It acts as a measure of quality of service.

(vii) It serves as a protection to individual professional.

(viii) It enables professionals to earn public trust.


(b) State seven similarities in the traditional African and Christian view on work. (7 marks)

(i) In both, work is mainly for the purpose of acquiring basic needs.

(ii) In both, work is ordained by God.

(iii) In both, rest is encouraged after work/leisure.

(iv) In both, work is a duty/done in obedience to God.

(v) In both, division of work is encouraged/sharing of work.

(vi) In both, hard work is emphasized/laziness is condemned.

(vii) In both, talents/abilities are developed through work.

(viii) In both, work promotes socialization.

(c) Give seven reasons why Christians condemn idleness in the society today. (7 marks)

(i) Idleness encourages dependence on other people.

(ii) It retards the development of God given talents/abilities.

(iii) It is seen as disobedience to God’s command for human beings to work.

(iv) It may lead to anti-social activities/crime.

(v) It can lead to lifestyle diseases/it is unhealthy.

(vi) It leads to poverty/lack of basic necessities.

(vii) Idleness may lead to conflicts/quarrels/fights among people.

(viii) It is failure to uphold the image of God who is a worker.

6. (a) Outline eight traditional African practices that promote order and justice in the society. (8 marks)

(i) Communal law, order and justice in the society.

(ii) Kinship ties.

(iii) Observing rites of passage.

(iv) Having common religious beliefs.

(V) Interclan marriages.

(vi) Administering of oaths.

(vii) Customs/rules that govern relationships.

(viii) Signing treaties/covenants between communities/use of mediators/ emissaries.

(ix) Observing taboos that enhance good moral behaviours.

(x) Sharing meals as a sign of peace.

(xi) Punishing of offenders.

(Xii) Leisure activities

(xiii) Having leaders.

(b) State six reasons why Christians in Kenya should vote during the national general elections. (6 marks)

(i) To exercise their democratic/constitutional right.

(ii) To elect leaders of their choice.

(iii) It is demonstration of obedience to earthly authorities.

(iv) In order to own their elected leaders/identify with them.

(v) So as to replace oppressive leaders/government.

(Vi) To encourage/have a peaceful transition.

(vii) It is a way of demonstrating patriotism.

(viii) To have their direct representatives in parliament/government

(c) Give six ways through which Christians can reduce tribalism in Kenya today. (6 marks)

(i) Christians should be willing to travel/settle/live in any part of the country.

(ii) They should educate people to appreciate/respect different ethnic groups.

(iii) By encouraging inter-tribal marriages.

(iv) By participating in educational/cultural programmes that bring people from different communities together.

(v) Christians should condemn practices that encourage tribalism.

(vi) By using the national/language to communicate.

(vii) By preaching/teaching on equality/oneness s of human beings before God.

(viii) By urging the government to ensure equal distributions of national resources.

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