KCSE Past Papers 2019 Computer Studies Paper 2 (451/2)

2019 Computer Studies – Paper 2

1 (a)(i) √ Creating the file @ 1

(b) (i) Creating class table @½

√ Creating the table @½ = 1½

√ Applying correct datatype for 3 fields

√ Applying correct field size 1@½

Creating studDdetails table

√ Creating the table @½

√ 4 fields @½ = 2

Applying correct data type = @½ = 2

√ Applying correct properties = ½

√ Look up values @1

Creating of StudMarks table

√ Creating the table @½ = 2

√ Data type 4 fields @½ = 2

√ properties = ½

(ii) Relationship (2 each @1_ = 2

(iii) Creating Forms

√ Insertion of a form object @½

√ Insertion of 3 text boxes @½ = 1½

√ Insertion of 3 labels @½ = 1½

√ Insertions of the subform @1

(v) Data entry (in the three tables)

√ 25 records each @½ = 12½

(c) (i) FIE Query

√ Insertion of query @½

√ Insertion of 6 fields @½ = 3

√ Applying constraints (form lE) @½

√ Saving @½

(ii) Overall query

√ Query insertion @½

√ Insertion of 6 fields @½ = 3

√ Inserting a calculated field @1

√ Performing calculations @1

√ Saving @½

(d) Report

Insertion of header @1

√ Dropping the correct fields @1

√ Applying formats (Arrangement of controls) @½

(e) Printing √ 3 tables @½ =1½

√ 2 queries @½ = 1½

√ 1 report @½


2 (a) Page Layout

each layout specification @l = 5 Saving @l

(b) Card Border line

√ Rectangle @l

√ Applying curved comers @l

√ Line thickness @/2

√ Arrangement of elements @l

Zenith printers (black section)

√ Rectangle @l & semicircle @l

√ Black filled @l

√ Text only @l

√ Text colour @l

√ White edge @l

√ Arrangement of elements @l

Ngele Kikomi

√ Text only @2

√ Applying underline

√ Applying bold @½

Arrangement of elements @l

University Drive

√ Text only @2

√ Text formatting @l

√ Arrangement of elements @l

Arrow head dots

√ Drawing of circle dot @l

√ Arrangement of dots @l

√ Relative position on the card

Printer Logo

√ 2 rectangles each @½ = 1

√ Round edge on the rectangle @l

√ Thick line @l

√ Thin lines @l

√ parallel thin lines @l

√ Applying white background (to hide sections of lines) @l

√ arrangement of elements @l

We create text √ Text only @2

√ Bullets @l

√ Applying white colour/background @l

√ Arrangement of elements @l

Tilted lines bars

√ Rectangular outline @l

√ Applying filled pattern @l

√ Positioning @l

√ Removing borders @l


Quality service

√ Text only @l

√ Italics formats @1

√ Positioning

General Card layout

√ Coverage ≥ 80% of the page @l

Applying white background (to hide sections of lines) @l

√ arrangement of elements @l

√ Use of appropriate font sizes @l

√ Use of appropriate line weights @l


√ Print a card @l

√ Printing 10 cards per paper @l

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