KCSE Past Papers 2019 Agriculture Paper 2 (443/2)

Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education

2019 Agriculture Paper 2

SECTION A (30 marks)

Answer all the questions in this section in the spaces provided.

1. State four effects of fleas in poultry.(2 marks)

2. Name two breeds of dairy cattle with the highest

(a) butter fat content (2 marks)

(b) milk yield (2 marks)

3. State four ways in which vaccines are administered to livestock.(2 marks)

4. State four characteristics of animals which require a high maintenance ration.(2 marks)

5. State four microbial activities that occur in the rumen.(2 marks)

6. Name four pests that attack bees. (2 marks)

7. Name four mineral deficiency livestock disorders. 8. State four control measures for fowl typhoid.(2 marks)

9. State the function of each of the following:

(a) Mallet (½ marks)

(b) Tocar and canula (½ marks)

(c) Garden line (½ marks)

(d) Stock and die (½ marks)

10. State four maintenance practices carried out on a wheelbarrow.(2 marks)

11. State four limitations of biogas as a source of power on the farm.(2 marks)

12. State four function al differences between disc and mouldboard ploughs. (2 marks)

13. State four advantages of the Kenya Top Bar Hive (K.T.B.H.) over the log hive. (2 marks)

14. Distinguish between the following practices as used in livestock production:

(a) tapping and serving (1 marks)

(b) ringing and raddling (1 marks)

I- (a) Name the causal organism for East Coast Fever. (½ marks)

(b) State three ways in which infectious diseases spread from one animal to another. (1½ marks)

Section B (20 MARKS)

Answer all the questions in this section



16. The diagram below illustrates a practice in poultry rearing.

(a) Identify the practice.(1 mark)

(b) Name the part labelled

E……………………….. (1 mark)

F………………………….. (l mark)

(c) Explain two activities not shown in the illustration but very important for the practice to succeed. (2 marks)

17. The diagram below shows the reproductive system of a hen.

(a) Name the part labelled K (1 marks)

(b) State one function of each of the parts labelled G………………………………(1 marks)

J……………………………….(1 marks)

(C) (i) What is the maximum number of eggs a hen can lay in a day?(1 marks)

(ii) Give a reason for your answer in (C) (i) above. (1 mark)

n. The diagram below illustrates a treatment practice for a cow’s udder infected with mastitis.

(a) Name the causal organism for mastitis.(1 mark)

(b) Explain the treatment practice illustrated.(1 mark)

(c) How is mastitis infection detected in a lactating cow? (1 mark)

(d) How is an infected cow handled during milking to prevent spread of the disease to other animals? (2 mark)

19.The diagrma below shows a farm structure for storing gains

(a) Identify the farm structure.(1 mark)

(b) State the function of the part labelled L. (1 mark)

(c) State one disadvantage of the roofing material used on the farm structure. (1 mark)

(d) State two ways in which the structure is made ready for grain storage. (2 marks)

SECTION C (40 marks) Answer any two questions from this section

(a) State five disadvantages of artificial insemination. (5 marks)

(b) State five differences between ruminant and non-ruminant digestive systems. (5 marks)

(c) Describe anaplasmosis (gall sickness) disease under the following sub-headings:

(i) causal organism (1 mark)

(ii) modes of transmission (2 mark)

(iii) symptoms (4 mark)

(iv) control measures. (3 mark)

21. (a) State the functions of any six parts of a piggery unit.(6 mark)

(b) Explain six disadvantages of animal drawn implements. (6 mark)

(c) State eight symptoms of tapeworm infestation in cattle. (8 mark)

22. (a) Explain five precautions taken by dairy farmers to ensure clean milk production. (10 marks)

(b) Describe how chicken is dressed for sale.(10 mark)



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