KCSE Past Papers 2018 Agriculture Paper 2 (443/2)

Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education

2018 Agriculture Paper 2

SECTION A (30 marks)

Answer all the questions in this section in the spaces provided.

1. State six characteristics of a good breeding stock.(3 marks)

2. State four reasons for maintaining farm tools and equipment.(2 marks)

3. State four reasons why a calf should be fed on colostrum.(2 marks)

4. Give two reasons for growing grass around a fish pond.(1 marks)

5. Name four systems of poultry rearing. (2 marks)

6. State three advantages of conterriporary comparison method of selecting breeding stock. (1½ marks)

7. Give the meaning of the following terms as used in livestock breeding:

(a) close breeding (½ mark)

(b) line breeding (½ mark)

(c) out crossing (½ mark)

(d) cross breeding (½ mark)

8. State four livestock rearing practices undertaken in a crush to control parasites and diseases. (2 marks)

9. Name the dairy cattle breed that

(a) produces the highest milk yield in kilograms (½ mark)

(b) is fawn/brown coloured with white colour on the face, legs below knees and hocks, tail switch and flanks (½ mark)

(c) is most suitable for marginal areas with poor pastures. (½ mark)

10. Distinguish between each of the following breeding practices:

(a) clutching and ringing (1 mark)

(b) tupping and serving (1 mark)

11. What is a predisposing factor of a disease? (1 mark)

12. State four candling qualities of good eggs for incubation. (2 marks)

13. Apart from the roof, name four other parts of a building that can be constructed using wood. (2 marks)

14. State four symptoms of internal parasite infestation in livestock. (2 mark)

15. State the functional difference between the following:

(a) cross-cut saw and rip saw (1 mark)

(b) wood chisel and cold chisel (1 marks)

16. Give the meaning of the following terms as used in livestock health:

(a) predisposing factor (1 mark)

(b) incubation period (1 mark)

SECTION B (20 marks)

Answer all the questions in this section in the spaces provided.

17. The diagram below shows a livestock parasite.

(a) Identify the parasite.(1 mark)

(b) Explain how the parasite is passed from

(i) livestock to human beings(1 mark)

(ii) human beings to livestock(1 mark)

(c) Explain two control measures for the parasite in a zero grazing unit.(2 mark)

18. The diagram below illustrates a tractor drawn implement.

(a) Identify the implement (1 mark)

(b) Name the part labelled(1 mark)

H ………………………………………… ………………….. (c) State one function of the part labelled K(1 mark)

(d) Explain why the implement is suitable for ploughing areas with hidden stones. (1 mark)

19. A farmer is required to prepare 200 kg of dairy meal containing 18% digestible crude protein (DCP).

Using the Pearson’s Square Method, calculate the quantity of sunflower seed cake (34% DCP) and maize germ (7% DCP) the farmer requires for the dairy meal. (5 marks)

20. The diagram below represents a practice of identifying livestock on a farm.

(a) ldentify the practice(1 mark)

(b) Determine the number that identifies the animal represented by the illustration (1 mark)

(c) Draw a diagram of the animal identified by the number 148 on the farm. (1 mark)

(d) Give two reasons why this method of identification is discouraged in livestock rearing. (2 marks)

SECTION C (40 marks)

Answer any two questions from this section in the spaces provided after question 23.

21. (a) Describe how natural incubation is set up and managed.(8 mark)

(b) Describe the management of growers in poultry rearing.(5 mark)

(c) Describe seven possible sources of power on a farm.(7 mark)

22. (a) Describe pneumonia disease under the following sub-headings:

(i) causal organism(1 mark)

(ii) animals affected(2 mark)

(iii) predisposing factors(2 mark)

(iv) symptoms(5 mark)

(v) control measures.(3 mark)

(b) Explain seven housing requirements for a calf.(7 mark)

23. (a) State five signs of heat in cattle.(5 mark)

(b) State five advantages a spray race has over a plunge dip.(5 mark)

(c) Give five reasons for maintaining livestock healthy.(5 mark)

(d) Explain five factors that determine the amount of food eaten by a livestock animal. (5 marks)



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