KCSE Past Papers 2014 English Paper 3 (101/3)

4.1.3 English Paper 3 (101/3)

Answer THREE questions only.

Imaginative Composition (compulsory) (20 marks)


1.(a) Write a story to illustrate the saying:

“A stitch in time saves nine.”


(b) Write a story ending with: _

…This is when l realised that it is noble to have and keep friends. The Compulsory Set Text (20 marks)

Ngugi wa Thiong’o, The River Between?

“Although change is inevitable, it comes with a lot of challenges.”

Drawing illustrations from the novel The River Between, write an essay illustrating the truth of this statement.

The Optional Set Texts (20 marks)

Answer any ONE of the following questions.


(a) The Short Story

llieva and Olembo (Ed.), When the Sun Goes Down and Other Stories With illustrations from Haruki Murakami’s short story “The Minor”, explain the problem of superstition in human life.


(b) Drama

John Ruganda, Shreds of Tenderness

“ln the opening section of the play Shreds of Tenderness, Odie engages in a one-sided dialogue with His Highness, The King of Termites. Much of it is diversionary, even verging on a ‘madman ’s’ gimmick. Yet it makes its contribution to the play.” Write an essay on the use Ruganda makes of these episodes both as a prologue to the play and as a commentary on the situation depicted in the play Shreds of Tenderness.


(c) The Novel

Witi lhimaera, The Whale Rider

“A seedling that will grow into a big tree can be spotted early.” Using examples from the character of Kahu in the novel The Whale Rider, write a composition in support of this statement.

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