5.5.1 Islamic Religious Education Paper 1 (315/1)
1 a) Ways in which devotees communicate with Paramatma: Through
- Prayer;
- Puja / aartil havan;
- Satsangl bhajan/ kirtan;
- Meditation:
- Helping poor/destitute;
- Looking after the environment – planting trees
- Studying scriptures.b) Ways of practising Dharma.
- Studying religiously.;
- Obeying elders;
- Obeying school rules;
- Being good at home;
- Participating in games – winning treat or losing same;
- Keeping body clean / take care of own health;
- Keeping the environment clean;
- Following moral – not telling lies;
- Being disciplined;
- Caring and sharing.c) Role of Paramatma in Ti-imurti
- Brahma – creates the universe
- Vishnu – sustains all beings/protects
- Mahesh/Shiva – liberates/destroys.2 a) Contribution of Lord Mahavir in promoting non-violence
- Responding to violence by keeping calm and peaceful;
- Practising meditation;
- Teaching/preaching non-violence through:- words – not speaking harmful words
– thoughts – not having hurtful evil thoughts
– deeds – not to do evil deeds.
- Preaching the principle of “live and let live”;
- Not eating root vegetables;
- Not eating after sunset:
- Fasting regularly;
- Following strict vegetarianism
- Preaching Anekantvad – respect; for all religions;
- Showing respect for all life.3.a) Teachings of Sant Kabir:
- Respect your Guru;
- Respect all religions;
- Parmatma is same in all religions – Rama & Rahim;
- No need to go for Tirthayatra for salvation;
- No need to go to temples – Paramatma resides in our hearts;
- Live a simple life;
- Recite Parmatma’s name in order to reach Him;
- Practise universal brotherhood;
- Always work with Partmatma in your heart.b) Role of Dhammapada in Buddhism:
- A scripture for Buddhists;
- Contains life historyl
- how he lived
- attained salvation
- Shows the path to attaining salvation;
- Has principles of Buddhism;.
- Teaches detachment;
- non-violence;
- middle path;
- eight fold path;
- four noble truths;
- Final destiny of sould is “Nirvana”;
- Salvation is attained by one’s own efforts;
- Cosmic order always continues.c) Ways in which Lord Rama demonstrated that he was an:
Ideal Son
- Cared for his parents as a child;
- Obeyed his parents;
- Gave attention to his step mother even after she sent him on exile;
- After his father’s death, he asked his mother to bear with him until his retum;
- Performed all final rites for his father after his death;
- Went to study in the forest under Guru Vasishtha as asked by his father;
- Went to the forest with Vishwamitra to kill demons / protect Brahmins.ii Ideal King:
- Ruled Ayodhya fairly;
- Administration was just;
- Provided security for citizens;
- Promoted peace and unity in his kingdom by being righteous and moral;
- Dealt with emerging issues fairly, squarely and firmly;
- Listened to the complaints and welfare;
- Rules with advice of wise persons;
- Motivated his subjects to follow righteousness with exemplary living;
- Put his subjects’ interests first – sacrificed his happiness and sent Sita to exile.
4. a) How control of mind helps in practice of lndriya Nigraha
- Control over five senses;
- Eyes – see good, avoid evil;
- Ears – hear; good, avoid evil;
- Skin – should tolerate smoothness and roughness;
- Eat food without caring for taste;
- Smell – good or bad, should not put one off;
- Hands – desist from doing bad deeds;
- Legs – to walk to holy places;
- Think and speak pleasing and positively;
- Do not become angry;
- Do not tell lies;
- Obey rules;
- Work hard;
- Be active/not lazyb) Duties of a Vanaprasthi
- Retire from active life;
- Study scriptures;
- Pass the knowledge acquired to others;
- Attend religious discourses / functions;
- D0 social work;
- Guide family members;
- Practise detachment;
- Live a simple life;
- Offer guidance/ advance to people who need;
- Have control over senses.c) Five Daily Yajnas for a Grahasthi
- Brahma Yajna:
- Deva:
- Pitru;
- Bhoot;
- Atithi.
5. a) Entitites to whom Buddhists pay homage in Mahamantra
- Buddha – Lord Buddha
- Sangha- – Congregation
- Dharma – Religion,
b) ow the Sikh principle of forbidding intoxicants can help Kenyan youth
- By forbidding intoxicants, the youth can keep busy and avoid idleness, they can engage in meaningful activities; – v
- Keeping away from intoxicants promotes good health among the youth;
- Time saved from non indulgence in intoxicants can be utilised in meaningful activities;
- Keeping away from intoxicants make the youth better leaders of tomorrow;
- Forbidding of intoxicants leads to saving money, time and energy;
- Keeping away from intoxicants promotes better relationships in the community .e.g., no fights, quarrels;
- Reduces crime rate in the community.5 x 2 10 marks
c) Beings from whom Jains seek forgiveness during Pratikraman
- Plants; Animals;
- Fellow human beings;
- Insects:
- E1ders;
- Juniors;
- Employees;
- Friends;
- Foes;
- Souls.6 a) How Dhyana & Dharana leads to Samadhi
(i) Dhyana:-
- Helps mind to become calm and peaceful
- Focusses mind stops other thoughts
- This state leads to Dhama.(ii) Dharana:-
- Control over the mind
- Fix the mind to a symbol, mantra. a lighted candle;
- Makes one ready for Samadhi – when mind stops working and leads one to bliss.2 a) Qualities of a devotee practising Dasyam Bhakti.
- Obedience;
- Humility;
- Service:
- Adoration:
- Love;
- Trust in Paramatma:
- Discipline:
- Worship.b) Teaching of Jnana Yoga
- It is one of the 3 Yoga that lead one to Moksha:
- It teaches that Paramatma is Supreme:
- It teaches that soul is immonal and etemal:
- One should be detached from material things:
- Unity of Atma with Paramatma:
- Analyse information to anive at conclusions:
- Helps to remove the ignorance of the nature of soul:
- Gives a devotee knowledge of the Universe:
- Rites and rituals should be performed with understanding.
- It is the search for ultimate goal of life why we are born, etc;
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