KCSE Past Papers 2013 Home Science Paper 2 (441/2)

Home Science Paper 2 (441/2)

CHILD’S BLOUSE A pattem of a child ‘s blouse is provided. You are advised to study thc sketches. instructions and layout carefully before you begin the test.


1. Pattern pieces

  • Blouse front
  • Blouse back
  • Sleeve
  • Sleeve band
  • Front neck facing
  • Back neck facing2. 2 Plain light weight cotton fabric 60 cm long by 91 cm wide.

    3 Sewing thread to match.

    4 One large envelope.


    Using the materials provided, cut out and make the RIGHT HALF of the child‘s blouse to show the following processes:


(a) making of the double pointed dart.

(b) making of the shoulder seam using an open scam.

(c) making ofthe side seam using a french seam

(d) preparation of the sleeve to include: (i) french seam (ii) hemming the band half way.

(e) attaching ofthe sleeve. Do not neaten the seam.

(l) joining the from and back facing.

(g) attaching the facing to finish the neckline and neatening the free edge.

At the end of the examination. firmly sew onto your work, on a single fabric. a label hearing your name and index number. Remove the needle. pins and loose threads from your work. Fold your work neatly and place it in the envelope provided. D0 not put scraps of fabric in the envelope.

THE LAYOUT (not drawn to scale)


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