KCSE Past Papers 2013 Art and Design Paper 1 (442/1)


5.1.1 Art & Design Paper 1 (442/1)

SECTION A: (20 marks)

1.(a) (i) Material – paper (any brand of paper) / strawboard Construction technique (b) A ‘wash’ is a painting technique in which thin watery paint is applied quickly with large, sweeping brush strokes. 2 marks

(c) (i) Road sign / traffic sign. 1 mark

(ii) Warns drivers of “No left tum”/ commands instructs /guides/ directs drivers. 1 mark

(iii) Mandatory sign/Prohibitive sign/Regulatory sign. 1 mark

(d) Broken linear textual effect! intricate lines patterns. 1 mark

(e) Warp faced fabric shows the warps more predominantly while the weft faced fabric shows the wefts more predominantly warp threads are dominant vertical patterns / threads; weft faced create horizontal patterns. 2 marks

(f) – Describes or models a form/solidity.

– Creates 3 dimensional effect.

– Suggest movement.

– Create illusion of depth and atmospheric effect. Any 2 x 1 2 marks

(g) (i) Painting hazy/pale /dull/greyer colours in the background and clear sharp / bright colours in the foreground. l mark

(ii) Painting warm colours in the foreground and cool colours in the background. l mark

(h) Rhythm/movement 1 mark

(i) – Design (colour, shape,texture, etc.)/ style

– Size

– Weight

– Material

– Functionl fashion trends. Any 3 x 1 3 marks

2. – Enhances the appearance of the clay.

– Hardens the form.

– Makes the clay more durable.

– Makes it porous. Any 2 x 1 2 marks

SECTION B: (25 marks)

Tjap is a metal block with patterns incised on it used for printing with liquid wax.

It is dipped into the wax and then stamped on the surface.

Tjanting is a tool with a copper bowl (reservoir) and a spout used for drawing with wax on a fabric to create patterns/intricate lines.

2 marks

Applying fixative to the dye prevents colours from fading/makes colours fast. l mark

– To prevent wax from heating too fast as it can catch fire

– To retain the heat of the wax.

– To reduce evaporation of the wax.

– Safety precaution from splattering hot wax.

Any 2 x 1 = 2 marks

3.- Logo 1 mark

– Contact address (box no.,website,telephone,physical address) l mark

– Name of the company. 1 mark

– Slogan/motto. 1 mark

– An official communication too] that authenticates an organisation! legitimises an organisation. l mark

– Identifies the company organisation. 1 mark


.Outstretched hand – 2 marks

In profile – 2 marks

Accuracy. – 1 mark

Total 5 marks

5.(a) Twinning weave. 1 mark

(b) To fasten the woven edges to the edges of the loom so as to create a straight selvedge and avoid waisting. 2 marks

(c) (i) Pushing down the weft threads after every row with a comb/beater.

(ii) Pulling down the weft threads firmly at the end of every row to maintain even tension

(ii) Crowding the warp threads so that there are no big spaces between them. _ Any 2 x 1 mark each 2 marks

Total (5 marks)

6.(a) Appropriateness of letter style to the message/content.

(b) Uniformity of letter construction.

(c) Consistency of letter formation.

(d) Spacing between letters, words and lines.

(e) Harmony and suitability of lettering to the total design.

(f) Letters should be simple and legible.

Any 5xl mark each 5 marks

SECTION C: (15 marks)



  • Lines outline the forms and forms within the forms; 
  • Lines distinguish the various forms and spatial levels; 
  • Lines distributed all over the composition gives it an overall linear nature.3 marks



  • Forms are simplified (outlined) 
  • Forms are flat 
  • Forms create pattern.3 marks



  • Patterms are formed by outlines, shapes and silhouettes; 
  • Crazed/crackled details of the forms; 
  • The distribution of light, dark and grey shapes create patterns3 marks



  • Created by overlaps 
  • Distribution of forms in different levels 
  • Different sizes of forms at different levels create depth.3 marks



  • The animals are alert as if there is looming danger; 
  • Time seems to be mid-morning or late afternoon; 
  • Fright, anxiety, scare. 3 marksTotal 15 marks


    8.Slab method. 1 mark

    Making/rolling a slab. 1 mark


    Make a sketch on the form.

    Knead/wedge the clay to make it malleable or workable.

    Prepare an absorbent fiat surface using plaster or paris or grog.

    Place batons/yardsticks on either side for ensuring even thickness of the slab.

    Using a rolling pin, flatten the clay into a slab.

    Measure and mark the slabs according to the required sizes and shapes.

    Cut the slabs.

    Score (scratch) along each edge of the slabs using a sharp tool.

    Apply slip/slurry on the scored edges.

    Join the slabs starting from the base appropriately to build up the form.

    Using a palette knife/spatulalbrush, press and work the edges of the slab to join.

    Wet a sponge and use it to rid the clay form off excess slip.

    Leave it to dry in a cool place.

    l mark each x 13 13 marks

    Total 15 marks

    9. i)It is the preparation and execution of a design solution. l mark

    Brief (getting information from a client)

    The client and the designer meet to discuss the specifications of the design problem.



  • Theme/topic/subject matter of the purpose for which the design is required. 
  • The target audience. 
  • Time frame/ schedule. 
  • Materials and techniques. 
  • Budget.5 x 1 mark each 5 marks

    ii)Research (Gathering and studying all the related material. Thinking and experimenting).


  • The designer collects relevant data in various aspects of the theme and the required design.This involves:-


  • Discussions and interviews with relevant people 1 mark 
  • Observations and analysis of existing and related designs (visual research) 1 mark 
  • Study design manuals/amiuals and periodicals. l markiii)Layout/composition (exploring alternative solutions)


  • Arrangement of visual elements (typo, letteringjllustrations etc.) 
  • Making of preliminary sketchesl determining or selection of design components. 
  • Refinement
  • Final artwork . 
  • Open work to critique. 
  • Making alterations, adjustments and corrections in consultation with experts, professionals , marketers and fellow artists. 
  • Finals sketches should be polished and cleaned and exact copy of the design solution presented.3 x l mark each 3 marks

    iv ) Client presentation (selling the design to the client).<->

  • The artist presents to the client the exact copy of the required work in terms of dimensions, colour, materials and techniques used. 
  • Explanation of the use of the elements and features in the design (resume) to enlighten the client. 
  • (The client may suggest some changes, improvements, alterations and adjustments.) 
  • The final artwork is presented for printing.3 x l mark each 3 marks

    Total 15 marks

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