KCSE Past Papers 2011 Art and Design Paper 1 (442/1)

KCSE Past Papers Art and Design 2011

4.2.1 Art and Design Paper 1 (442/1)

SECTION A (20 marks)

Answer all the questions in this section in the spaces provided.

1 (a) Study the illustration below.

(i) Name the most outstanding element portrayed. (1 mark)

(ii) Explain how the element has been used to create the forms. (1 mark)

(b)Establish one physical limitation experienced when modelling with kaolin and how it is overcome. (2 marks)

(c) What is “Emphasis” as used in Art and Design? (1 mark)

(d) In reference to fabric decoration, explain what is meant by the following terms:

(i) motif (1 mark)

(ii) pattern (1 mark)

(iii) print (1 mark)

(e) (i) Give the terms used for primary and secondary clays. (2 marks)

(ii) Explain what is meant by the tenn “wedging” in clay work. (1 mark)

(f) State two outstanding characteristics of a collage made using found objects. (2 marks)

(g) Study the illustration below.

Explain how the principles of balance, rhythm and movement has been created in the arrangement. (2 marks)

(h) State two factors that determine the choice of wood for carving. (2 marks)

(i) Explain why it is important to melt wax in a double container when working on a batik. (1 mark)

(j) Giving an example for each, distinguish between chromatic and achromatic colours. (2 marks)

SECTION B (25 marks)

Answer all the questions in this section in the spaces provided.

2 Study the picture below.

(a) Identify the type of texture portrayed in the picture. (1 mark)

(b) State four roles of texture conveyed in the picture. (4 marks)

3 (a) In the space provided below, make a sketch to illustrate “waisting” in the process of weaving. (4 marks)

(b) State the cause of the defect. (1 mark)

Using the typeface of the letter above, construct the word JOT in the same style in the space provided below. (5 mark)

5 The illustration below represents a pendant made using a sheet metal.

Outline five basic steps used in creating the pendant. (5 marks)

6 In the space provided below, make a quick sketch in pencil of:

“A cat at rest”. (5 marks)

SECTION C (15 marks)

Answer any one question in this section.

Write your answer in the space provided after question 9.

7 The illustration below represents a type of a poster.

(a) Name the type of poster and explain its function. (2 marks)

(b) Stating four reasons, explain why the poster is effective for the product. (8 marks)

(c) Describe the process of producing the poster using lino block. (5 marks)

8 A greenware bowl is to be decorated with a floral motif using slip in-laying technique.

(a) Name the most essential material and two tools to be used in the process. (3 marks)

(b) Describe the procedure of decorating the bowl. (12 marks)

9 The illustrations A and B below represent an Art and Design technique.

(a) Identify the technique. (1 mark)

(b) Describe the process of producing a design using the technique. (10 marks)

(c) Outline four steps to be followed when mounting the work using the matt method. (4 marks)

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