- SECTION A: (30 MARKS)(1)
- Dusting the birds with insecticide – sodium chloride. Observing good hygiene.
- Fumigation/smearing the affected perches with volatile insecticides.
- Picking and killing.(2)
- The doe throws herself on its side.
- Frequent urination.
- Vulva turns red and swells.
- Doe becomes restless. “
- Doe rubs her body against the wall.
- Peeping/contacting other rabbits in adjacent hutches.(3)
- Crushing and straining /squeezing method.
- Heating method.
- Use of centrifugal extractor.(4)
- Hens stop laying eggs.
- Hens sit on eggs for long periods /continuously.
- Hen plucks off feathers to make a nest.
- Hens are aggressive when approached/walks with wings open.
- Characteristics cracking sound.(5)(a) Oxytocin effects last for five to seven minutes;(b) Milk let-down is initiated when the milking time is reached;
(c) Prevent drying of /prevents reduce in yealds /prevents mastitis infection
(6)Sight of calf
- Washing/massaging the udder.
- Feeding
- Sounds associated with milking.
- Sticking to a regular milking routine.
- Sight of milkman(7)
- Presence of sores/wounds on the skin.
- Irritation/scratching by the animal
- Loss of hair/alopecia.
- Anaemia
- Presence of various developmental stages of the parasite on the animal.(8)
- Reduction of vigour in animalslloss of hybrid vigour/heterosis.
- Quality of products is lowered.
- Reduction in disease resistance ability.
- Appearance of undesirable hereditary defects.
- Increase in abortion/embryonic mortality.
- Decline in fertility
- Reduced production.(9)
- Cheap source of protein for the family.
- Require little land and is possible where land is limiting.
- Quick souroe of income for the farmer.
- Makes fish to be available within the locality.(10)
- Allow for even distribution of fat in the body.
- Control breeding.
- Increasing growth rate.
- To make them docile.
- Control breeding diseases.(11)
- Checking for abnormalities/candling.
- Selecting eggs of the right size/weight.
- Cleaning/wiping often.
- Sorting and grading.(12)
- Do not make half-cuts/make complete cuts.
- Shear sheep during the dry warm season.
- Do the operation on a clean dry floor/use clean shearing equipment.
- Do not cut body pans.
- Use clean shearing equipment(13)
- Foundation of the building.
- The floor slab/floor.
- The Lintel.
- Pillars.
- Walls.(14)
- Ratio of energy to protein in the feedstuff
- Form in which the feed is fed to the animal/method of feed preparation.
- Chemical composition of the feedstuff.
- Species of the animal.
- Amount of feed already present in the digestive system of the animal.
- Rate of feeding/frequency of feeding.(15)
- Lack of calcium in the feed
- Disease attack such as Newcastle(16)
- Topography/slope of land should be gentle sloping.
- Reliable water source.
- Area with cracks/anthills should be avoided. »
- Secure from predators and thieves.
- The site should be accessible.(17)Disadvantages of fold system:
- Few birds per unit area.
- Laborious in moving the folds.
- Difficult to keep individual bird production records.
- Produces dirty eggs.
- Fold breaks easily due to constant movement.(18)Dehorning methods:Q Use of sharp knife.
v Burdizzo and knife.
Rubber ring and elastrator.
Use of hot iron.
. SECTION B: (20 marks)
(19)(a) A – Reticulum/Honey comb.
B – Rumen/pauch.
(b) A : Separat.ing fine and course food materials.
Retaining indigestible food materials.
- Absorption of water.
- Grinding and sieving food particles
- Temporary food storage(c) Pepsin/Renin(20)(a) K – Urethra
L – Testes/testis
(b) Epididymis – stores sperms
Seminal Vesicles – Secrete seminal fluid in which sperms move.
Soil type/site should be free of gravel/stone/sand/preferably clay soil.
- Check egg abnormalities
- Monitor chick development during incubation
- Check whether the egg is fertile
- A large dark section of developing chick.
- A small clear section of air space.F – ToeG – Blade
- Sharpening of teeth regularly to improve efficiency.
- Regular cleaning after use to remove dirt.
- Setting the teeth to maintain cutting angles.
- Apply oil before storage to prevent rusting.A Ridge/mould board ridge.(i) To make ridges/furrows (ii) I used to attach the implement to a tractor.
v Adjusting the depth of operation.
SECTION C: (40 marks)
Reasons for keeping livestock healthy
- Good health ensures a long economic and productive life.
- Healthy animals give maximum production/high performance.
- Healthy animals grow fast and reach maturity early.
- Healthy animals are economical to keep/reduce production costs.
- Healthy animals produce quality products which fetch good prices.
- Healthy animals do not spread diseases to other animals/human beings.Symptoms of roundworm attack.
- Anorexia/loss of appetite under heavy infestation.
- Stiff dry coat or starring coat
- Dehydration and pale mucosa.
- Eggs and adults are seen in faeces
- General emaciation
- Animal may diarrhoea
- Anaemic condition when infestation is heavy
- Pot-bellies especially in young animals.
- Coughing.Control measure for cannibalism
- Avoid bright light in the house.
- Avoid overcrowding
- Provide balanced diet.
- Control extemal parasites.
- Hang vegetables in the house to keep birds busy.
- Debeak birds which peck at others.
- Cull perpetual cannibals/birds with prolapse.
- Provide adequate equipment feeders, waters, perches.
- Avoid introduction of new birds in the stock.8 x l = 8 marksBody conformation features of a dairy heifer.
- Straight topline. .
- Have large and well developed udder with large teats.
- l-lave large stomach which makes them heavy feeders
- Have prominent milk veins.
- Have less flesh on their bodies/lean bodies.
- Have well set hind quarters to allow room for large udders.
- Prominent pin bones.
- Wedge shaped.
- Long thin neck.Any 5×1=5marksDisadvantages of live fences
- May take long to establish into an effective fence.
- Not effective in sub-dividing land into paddocks/occupies a large space.
- May harbour pests.
- May create hiding places for thieves. wild animals and vermin.
- May be labour demanding to trim and infill regularly.
- May have shading effects on crops/competition for nutrients, moisture.
- May leave gaps which allow animals and thieves to pass through.
- Some may injure both livestock and the farmer. (7 marks)How a four stroke cycle Engine works
- Induction stroke/intake
- Piston moves down the cylinder causing the inlet valve to open drawing in fresh supply of petrol vapour and air into the cylinder.
- Compression stroke
- The inlet valve closes and the piston moves up the cylinder. This compresses the fresh fuel mixture in the combustion chamber.
- Power Stroke/ignition _
- A spark is produced at the spark plug. This causes the fuel mixture to ignite and expand resulting in pressure that forces the piston to move down the cylinder.
- Both valve closed.
- Exhaust stroke
- The piston moves up the cylinder to eliminate the bumt fuel mixture through the open exhaust valve.Management practices on calves
- Culling highly susceptible calves.
- Drenching with antihelminthes to control intemal parasites.
- Vaccinate as appropriate against diseases –
- Castration of males not required for breeding.
- Identification at the appropriate age to facilitate record keeping
- Removal of any extra teats if more than four.
- Debudding/Dehoming
- Proper feeding of the calf.
- Treat the sick.
- Isolate the sick calves.
- Maintenance of hygiene.Brucellosis(i) Causal organism
- Bacteria/Brucella abortus/meIlitensis/suis/sp(ii) Animals affected
- Cattle
- Sheep
- Goats
- Pigs(iii) Symptoms
- Sponteneous abortion/premature births.
- Retained placenta.
- Infertility in females.
- Low libido in males.
- Orchitis/inflamed testis.
- Yellowish/brown slimy discharge.(iv) Control
- Use of A.I.
- Culling/slaughter and properly dispose the carcass.
- Vaccination.
- Avoid contact with aborted foetus.
- Blood test to detect infected animals.
- Observe proper hygiene.
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