kasneb Rwanda

In 2001, the Government of Rwanda launched a new framework for national development through the vision 2020, which aims to transform the country into a knowledge based, middle-income country by the year 2020. This ambitious vision is anchored on 6 interwoven pillars, including good governance and an efficient State, skilled human capital, vibrant private sector, world class physical infrastructure and modern agriculture and livestock. Consequently, the rising numbers of foreign investments in Rwanda and the country’s recent integration in the East African Community have all given rise to skills demand on the job market, thus unveiling a gap in professional skills and competences.

Rwanda’s journey towards becoming a service economy emphasizes the need for qualified and skilled professionals in both public and private sector to challenge and drive the desired sustainable economic development. Rwanda considers professional education a critical investment for the country’s future growth and development as evidenced by the increased share of national budget to the professional education including in the fields of accountancy and finance. In response to such obvious need for qualified professional, in 2009, kasneb introduced its examinations in Rwanda, working through partnerships with local institutions of higher learning. Having spotted extensive opportunities in the market, in 2010 kasneb decided to establish a liaison office in Kigali whose primary responsibility is to market the examinations of kasneb, to register applicants and administer the conduct of examinations.

Kasneb has since raised its flag as a pioneer of professional education where it still holds a position of a champion for professional qualifications, especially in the field of accountancy thanks to the Certified Public Accountant (CPA examination that has gained much currency in the market.


Jeanne Abayo

Coordinator  kasneb Rwanda


CHIC Building, 2nd Floor, F055
KN 2 Ave Nyarugenge
PO. BOX 630 Kigali-Rwanda
Tel : +(250) 782 569 862
Email: kigalioffice@kasneb.or.ke

CPA Revised Notes and Revision Kits

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