I. Introduction
One of the significant impacts of COVID-19 and related control measures on kasneb was the postponement of the May 2020 examinations. These examinations were initially rescheduled to July 2020 and subsequently to September 2020. However, the COVID-19 circumstances prevalent in the country in both July 2020 and September 2020 were not conducive to the administration of examinations.
We now wish to inform all kasneb students, parents and guardians, trainers, examination centre coordinators and other stakeholders that the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kenya have granted kasneb approval to conduct the examinations from Monday, 23 November 2020 to Monday, 30 November 2020. This sitting will combine candidates booked for the May 2020 and November 2020 sittings.
The approval granted by the Ministry of Health requires kasneb to ensure some specified protocols are observed to reduce the risk of transmission of COVID-19. In this connection, kasneb has released detailed protocols that all candidates, invigilators, supervisors, centre coordinators,
kasneb staff and other personnel at examination centres and those involved in preparations for the examinations will be required to observe in strict adherence to the Ministry of Health requirements.
For our students based outside Kenya, kasneb is liaising with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Republic of Kenya to arrange for the examinations over the same period. This process will also involve obtaining necessary approvals from the Governments of the foreign countries. We shall update our students outside Kenya on the progress in this connection.

II. kasneb protocols for the administration of November 2020 examinations
The attention of students, parents and guardians, trainers, examination centre coordinators and other stakeholders is drawn to the detailed protocols available on the kasneb website www.kasneb.or.ke. The protocols will also be sent to all students as part of communication on examination matters, in addition to being shared with County Directors of Education, Principals/Directors/Heads of institutions, Chief invigilators, examination centre coordinators among other relevant stakeholders.

In summary, the protocols address the following:

  1. Need for candidates and other persons involved in administration of examinations to be aware of the protocols before the examinations.
  2. Wearing of face masks at all times.
  3. Compulsory temperature checks before entrance to an examination centre.
  4. Regular hand washing with soap including before and after an examination session.
  5. Social distancing in the examinations room (1.5 metres) with no congregating allowed outside the examination rooms.
  6. Disinfection of examination rooms and common places.
  7. Need for an isolation room and procedures of handling suspected infected cases.
  8. Proper signage and markings at the examination centres.
  9. Adequate ventilation of the examination rooms.
  10. Need for candidates to report early at the examinations centre for identification and other protocols.

III. Changes in examination centres

We wish to inform candidates that kasneb has merged some examination centres and introduced new ones as part of the measures to ensure compliance with Government health protocols. The list of the previous examination centres and the new centres is available on the kasneb website www.kasneb.or.ke.
Candidates may on special grounds such as relocation due to Covid-19 be allowed to change their examination centres. Such candidates are required to send an email to examcentering@kasneb.or.ke with details of their full names, examination, registration number, previous centre, preferred centre and clear reason(s) for the change. Whether a change will be effected will depend on the availability of capacity in the preferred centre.
In some cases, a candidate may be allocated the nearest centre to the preferred centre.
Candidates wishing to change their centres should submit their email applications to be received not later than Monday, 12 October 2020. Communication will be made to those candidates whose centres will have been changed.
Note: To know your previously allocated centre, please send the word “Centre” with your registration number to 20558, using the following format: Centre/NAC/00000. As noted above, the list on the website shows the previous centres and the new centres.

IV. Special policy concessions for candidates who missed the May 2020 sitting
kasneb was not able to administer the May 2020 examinations due to the COVID-19 pandemic and regrets any inconvenience that this might have caused to our candidates and other stakeholders. The inability to administer the May 2020 examinations had some policy implications.
We therefore wish to inform the May 2020 candidates of the following policy concessions:
(a) All students who had submitted deferral requests from May 2020 to November 2020 have been booked for the November 2020 sitting.
(b) For purposes of referral chances, the May 2020 sitting will not be counted. Thus a candidate who for instance had the May 2020 sitting as the final sitting will have the November 2020 as the final sitting.

V. Detailed timetable
The detailed timetable for each examination will be communicated in the next few days.

VI. Uploading of passport-size photos
Candidates are hereby advised to upload the required passport-size photos on their profile through e-kasneb. We note with concern that most photos earlier uploaded did not meet the required specifications.
The passport-size photo should be coloured, 2MB in size (maximum), dimension 2 x 2 inches (51 x51 mm) and show the full face.
Candidates are further advised that the uploaded photos will be a permanent identification and will be affixed on the certificates hence candidates should ensure they meet the required specifications.
Candidates who had not uploaded the required photos, or those whose photos do not meet the minimum specifications should ensure they upload the required photos by Friday, 16 October 2020.
Please also note that the examination timetable will only be available from e-kasneb after upload of the passport size photo.

VII. Other important considerations for candidates

  1. Candidates who will not have been booked for the examinations will not be allowed to sit the examinations. Any candidates who has not booked examinations or has any arrears should clear by latest Monday, 12 October 2020.
    Candidates who have paid but are not yet booked should immediately send their inquiry with supporting evidence to the email address revenue@kasneb.or.ke.
  2. Candidates should confirm the spelling and order of their names as reflected in the timetable and result slips. The names will be reflected in the certificates as they appear on the timetable and result slips. In case of any corrections or changes, candidates should immediately inform kasneb through the email address certificates@kasneb.or.ke, attaching the relevant documents such as copy of ID.
    Any candidate who requests for correction of names after the certificate is printed will be charged the full cost for reprinting the certificate.
  3. The planned May 2021 sitting will be the final sitting under the current syllabuses.

VIII. Resumption of learning and preparations for examinations
kasneb wishes to advise all students and trainers to immediately resume preparations for the examinations in order to recover any lost time over the next six weeks before the examinations. The attention of students is also drawn to the existence of the kasneb elibrary for studying. Candidates who have not yet enrolled on the e-library are advised to do so through the link http://library.kasneb.or.ke/.

Secretary/Chief Executive Officer
Tuesday, 6 October 2020



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