IoT Security

IoT an abbreviation for Internet of things, It can be basically be defined as physical devices across the world that are interconnected to the internet for the purpose of Networking, data collection and sharing through use of chips and wireless networks it has been made possible to turn anything that is integrated with the Network. (Cyber security risk, December 2019)
However this comes with its own advantages and disadvantages. IoT connection faces a lot of challenges and one of the greatest being the network attacks and compromise that may happen through hacking and cracking leading to unsecure or theft of crucial data to unauthorized parties
This writing highlights potential threats and some prevention measures that can be adopted and also creates awareness on IoT and Security. A case study looks at Telsa car which is basically a car that is IoT driven and connected to network through Telsa App.
Remote recording
This is a cyber-attack that can happen to a connected device it can involve listening to communication, watching someone live through a networked camera without them knowing that you were watching over them. The Telsa car networking system can be taped by hackers through possible loopholes and vulnerabilities that can be discovered through scanning the network systems of the car, the attackers through such loopholes can install their own backdoors into the networks that can enable them monitor through the car cameras what is going on around and also where the car is. This possesses a great danger the system and can lead to interference or even physical theft of the car after the virtual manipulation.
This kind of attack can be prevented by having the networking system tested thoroughly in order to discover and fix the possible vulnerabilities that may be exiting. The Telsa car can also be integrated with cyber intelligence systems that are able to detect attacks and penetrations and restart the systems a fresh to prevent such.
This can happen through breaching of the communication channels that are exiting between the Telsa car and its interconnection with the host server of the Telsa App that is responsible for communicating with the car over the network, the attackers can use weaknesses in the system that can be discovered through extensive security scanning or brute force attacks that involves breaking passwords personal Identification numbers (PINs). This attack can leading to diversion of communication between the car and the controller hence the Telsa car may receive communication commands that may seem legitimate but in real sense they are instructions from the attackers. This may lead to malfunctioning of the car or even causing accidents, it can also be redirected to another location and its possible tracking means disabled to make it untraceable.
This can be prevented by having a close monitoring of the car and its behavior in response to the instructions that are being sent by the legitimate instructor. This can help in realizing if there is an attack though the response of the system.
Denial of service Attack
This is trying to cause capacity overload by sending multiple requests or data packets to the car system. This renders the system unable to respond the many requests that are sent. Denial of service attack is not intended to steal data or control the system in anyway but can slowing down the system communication or even crashing them. This can ruin the use of the car or force it to switch off. Denial of service can be very frustrating especially where essential services are needed to be provided urgently.
This type of an attack is preventable through having systems that are able to filter the requests going through the network and control them to avoid too many requests that can cause crushing.
Advanced persistent threats
This kind of attack involves an intruder gaining access into the system and staying undetected in the system for a prolonged period of time. (IoT Security threats, May 2019) This may be intended to monitor the communication activities over the network activities and even steal important data. This can happen because in IoT there is a large volume of data that is transferred among several devices. Such an attack can endanger the future of the car because such collected information can be used in harming or crippling it later.
This can be prevented by having strong monitoring systems and also scanning the networks continually to detect and eliminate possibility of malicious activities in the network.
Ransom-ware attacks
This is one of the most sophisticated attacks on any networked device. A malicious hacker may use a malware to cripple down everything and deny the legitimate user access to the system, this happens through locking the whole car and prompting a payment probably through the screen so that the attacker can give them the unlocking key. Attackers may do this using loopholes existing in the network system of the car or advanced persistent threats whereby the hackers may monitor everything that may give them hints into crippling the network, for instance the car may be turned off while on the road by the attackers and refuse to turn it on until you pay the ransoms
This can be prevented by ensuring that all the systems in the networks are thoroughly scanned and updated to ensure that any malware existing is detected and removed to avoid such unfortunate occurrences.
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Information Security and technology – MASOMO MSINGI PUBLISHERS