Health and safety in Logistics management

Organisations should aim to achieve these goals to ensure health and safety:

  • Prevent workplace incidents and injuries.
  • Continually improve health and safety performance.
  • Foster a culture in which all employees, partners, contractors and subcontractors share this commitment to health and safety and the environment.
  • Have the best safety performance in the industry.

And they can do so by:

  • Always manage our operations in the safest manner, by recognizing and assessing hazards and applying effective controls. Make safe conduct a condition of employment.
  • Always comply with health and safety legislation and guidelines.
  • Ensure our managers and supervisors provide the tools, supervision, training and resources needed for our employees to work safely.
  • Involve all employees in our health and safety management system.
  • Review health and safety performance regularly, evaluate performance information and communicate performance to all employees.
  • Learn from past experiences to prevent future incidents.
  • Ensure that our formalized health and safety management system remains current with industry best practices.
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