Guidelines for Conducting an Interview.

1. Plan the Interview
Being by reviewing the candidate’s application and not any areas that vague or that may indicate strengths or weakness .Review the job specification and plan to start the interview with a clear picture of the traits of an ideal candidate . If possible use a structure form. Interviews based on structured guides, usually result in the best interviews .At a minimum, you should write out your question prior to the interview. The interview should take place in a private room where telephone calls are not accepted and interruptions can be minimized. Also plant to delay your decisions. Interviewers often make snap judgment even before they see the candidate on the
basic of his or applicant form, for instance- or during the first few minutes of the interview. Make your decision them.

2. Establish Rapport
The main reason for the interview is to find out about the applicant: To do this start by putting the person at ease. Greet the candidates and start the interview by asking a non-controversial question –perhaps about the weather or traffic condition that day. As a rule, all applicant, even unsolicited drop-ins-should receive friendly courteous treatment, not only on humanitarian but also because your reputation is on the line. Be aware of the applicant’s status .For example, if you are interviewing someone who is unemployed he or she may be exceptionally nervous and you may want to take additional step to relax the person.

3. Ask Questions
Try to follow your structure interview guide or the question you wrote out ahead of time .A menu of question to choose from. Avoid questions that can be answered “yes’’ or “no’’ , don’t put word in the applicant’s mouth or telegraph the desire answer ,for instance , by nodding or smiling when the right answer is given ,don’t interrogate the applicant as if the person is a criminal and don’t be patronizing , sarcastic or inattentive , don’t monopolize the interview by rambling nor lat the applicant’s opinions and feelings by repeating the person’s last comment as a question .  when you ask for general statements of a candidate’s accomplishment, also ask for examples. Thus if at the end candidate lists specific strengths or weakness, follow up with “what are the specific examples that demonstrate each of your strengths?’’

4. Close the interview
Toward the close of the interview, leave time to answer any questions the candidate may have and if appropriate, to advocate your firm to the candidate. Try to end all interviews on a positive note. The applicant should be told whether there is an interest and if so, what the next step will be. Similarly, rejections should be made diplomatically for instance, with a statement like, ”although your background is impressive, there are other candidates whose experience is closer top our requirements.” If the applicant is still being considered but a decision cant be reached at once, say this. If your policy is to inform candidates of their status in writing, do so within a few days of the interview.

5. Review the interview
After the candidates leaves, review your interview notes, fill in the structured interview guide and review the interview while it’s fresh in your mind. Remember that snap judgments and negative emphasis are two common interviewing mistakes; reviewing the interview shortly after the candidate has left can help you minimize these two problems.

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