1.1.1 Legal framework

kasneb was inaugurated on 24 July 1969 as a state corporation under the National Treasury. kasneb operates under the following main Acts:

  1. The Accountants Act, Cap. 531 of the laws of Kenya which was enacted in July 1977, gave kasneb retroactive recognition since its inception in 1969. The Accountants Act, Cap. 531 was repealed and replaced with the Accountants Act, No. 15 of 2008 which received Presidential assent on 24 December 2008 and took effect
    from 30 December 2008.
  2. The Certified Public Secretaries of Kenya Act (Cap. 534) mandates kasneb as the examining body for the Certified Secretaries (CS) examination.
  3. The Investment and Financial Analysts Act, No. 13 of 2015 mandates kasneb as the examining body for the Certified Investment and Financial Analysts (CIFA) examination.

1.1.2 Mandate

The mandate of kasneb is the development of syllabuses, conduct of professional, diploma and technician examinations and certification of candidates in accountancy, finance, credit, governance and management,
information technology and related disciplines, the promotion of its qualifications nationally and internationally and the accreditation of institutions training in courses examinable by kasneb in liaison with the Ministry in charge of education.

1.1.3 Vision

Global leader in examination and certification of business professionals.

1.1.4 Mission

Empowering professionals globally by offering quality examinations and undertaking research and innovation.

1.1.5 Core values

  1. Integrity.
  2. Professionalism.
  3. Customer focus.
  4. Teamwork.
  5. Innovativeness.


Currently, kasneb offers the following examinations:

1.2.1 Professional examinations

  1. Certified Public Accountants (CPA) examination.
  2. Certified Secretaries (CS) examination.
  3. Certified Information Communication Technologists (CICT) examination.
  4. Certified Credit Professionals (CCP) examination.
  5. Certified Investment and Financial Analysts (CIFA) examination.

1.2.2 Diploma examinations

  1. Accounting Technicians Diploma (ATD) examination.
  2. Diploma in Information Communication Technology (DICT) examination.
  3. Diploma in Credit Management (DCM) examination.

1.2.3 Certificate examinations

Certificate in accounting and management skills (CAMS) examinations


1.3.1 Legal mandate to accredit training institutions
The mandate to accredit training institutions is derived from Section 17(1) (h) of the Accountants Act, No. 15 of 2008 which empowers kasneb to accredit institutions offering training in courses examinable by kasneb in liaison with the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology.

1.3.2 Purpose of accreditation
Accreditation is a process broadly aimed at recognising training institutions for the quality and integrity of their training programmes, which entitles them to the confidence of stakeholders including students, parents and guardians, kasneb and the public at large. The process provides an assessment of a training institution’s effectiveness in complying with the accreditation requirements set by kasneb and its continuing efforts to enhance the quality of student learning programmes and services.
In particular, accreditation of training institutions by kasneb is intended to:

  1. Ensure that the overall quality of education and training for kasneb courses is maintained at a consistently high level.
  2. Assure the students and other stakeholders that the training institutions possessed adequate and appropriate human, financial, technological and physical resources and such other facilities necessary to mount the courses efficiently and effectively.
  3. Encourage institutional improvement in the quality of training through continuous self-study and evaluation.
  4. Promote good governance in the management and administration of training institutions.
  5. Provide advice and continuously encourage and support the training institutions to maintain and enhance quality standards in training.

The accreditation process will be guided by the tenets of fairness, integrity, confidentiality and professional judgement with a focus on rigorous application of standards and rules.
The successful implementation of the accreditation exercise is also premised on a culture of trust between kasneb and the training institution being accredited.
The product of accreditation will be a formal and public acknowledgement by kasneb through certification, of a training institution’s continuing capacity to provide effective learning programmes and services based on set standards.

1.3.3 Institutional commitment and responsibilities
The effectiveness of the accreditation process will depend on the acceptance by training institutions of certain responsibilities, including involvement in and commitment to the accreditation process.

  • Training institutions are expected to uphold the principle of integrity when providing information to kasneb, disclosing their accreditation status to the public and other parties and generally in all matters relating to their
    operations and decisions. In this respect, evidence of withholding information, providing inaccurate information to the public, failing to provide timely and accurate information to kasneb, or failing to conduct an accurate and complete self-assessment and other similar practices may be interpreted as lack of full commitment to integrity. Failure of a training institution to fully adhere to the principle of integrity may result into nonconsideration of the institution for accreditation or loss of accreditation.
  • Accredited training institutions or those in the process of being evaluated for accreditation, are expected to notify kasneb of any changes that may affect their accreditation status. Where a training institution modifies or expands
    its scope in relation to kasneb courses and other programmes offered, changes the nature of its affiliation or its ownership, or merges with another institution, a substantive reassessment may be required. If an institution is
    unsure as to whether a change is substantive in nature, it should contact kasneb for advice.
  • Training institutions are expected to dedicate themselves to continuously enhance the quality of their teaching, physical facilities and other services available to their students. This calls for institutional commitment to the concept of quality enhancement through continuous assessment and improvement.
  • Training institutions shall ensure that their training programmes are complemented by support structures and resources that allow for the holistic growth and development of their students.
  • Training institutions accredited by kasneb are expected to maintain good working relationships and co-operate with other recognised accrediting bodies and regulatory agencies. Where another recognised accrediting body or regulatory agency revokes its accreditation or recognition respectively, or places the training institution under investigation or probation, then the training institution concerned shall immediately report that action to kasneb.
    A training institution shall also disclose to kasneb instances where the institution has been denied accreditation status by another accreditation body.
  • Training institutions are expected to extend full co-operation to officers of kasneb or their authorised agents during inspection visits.

1.3.4 Core requirements for accreditation
The core requirements are broad quality statements that express kasneb’s basic expectation of training institutions seeking accreditation. The requirements serve as general guidelines since training institutions will be expected to adhere to the detailed Standards of Accreditation presented in Part II of these guidelines.
In order to be accredited, a training institution shall provide documented evidence to the effect that the institution:

  • Is registered with the relevant Ministry or established by an Act of Parliament, and/or any other regulatory authorities as appropriate.
  • Has an effective governance and administration structure designed to promote institutional integrity, autonomy and flexibility of operations.
  • Has an adequate number of qualified and competent teaching and administrative staff to facilitate delivery of uninterrupted learning programmes to students.
  • Has adequate and appropriate lecture halls/classrooms and staff common room(s).
  • Has a library which is suitably and adequately stocked.
  • Has adequate and appropriate technological resources, particularly where the institution trains in ICT courses examinable by kasneb.
  • Has other physical and sanitation facilities which are adequate and of appropriate quality.
  • Has a sound financial base and demonstrated financial stability to support its programmes and services.
  • Has put in place systems to safeguard finances and other monies collected on behalf of kasneb.
  • Has developed policies and procedures for the selection, appraisal and development of the teaching and administrative staff and for assessment of students’ performance and progress.
  • Has an internal quality assurance system aimed at ensuring continuous evaluation and improvement of institutional policies, processes and procedures.


The standards for accreditation establish the criteria for evaluating the overall institutional effectiveness in the delivery of training and support services to students. These standards enable kasneb to evaluate a wide spectrum of training institutions differing in student population, management structure and control, number of kasneb courses
offered among other areas.
While evaluation of training institutions will be based on the degree of compliance, these standards should not limit training institutions from pursuing innovations aimed at increasing the effectiveness in the delivery of training programmes. Indeed, kasneb expects training institutions to aim at surpassing these standards and to continually strive towards excellence at all times.
There are four standards for accreditation that training institutions are expected to comply with. These standards relate to institutional administration and governance, trainers, physical and technological resources and student affairs and support services.
The four standards for accreditation of training institutions are detailed below:

The training institution operates under a system of governance and administration that facilitates the provision of high quality training and support services to students pursuing kasneb courses. There is a clear definition of authority and responsibility relationships among and between the management, trainers, staff and students.

  1.  The institution is headed by a Board, Council or similar apex unit that provides strategic direction and oversight to the institution. The Board, Council or equivalent unit shall be composed of qualified and competent persons and shall have autonomy and authority to effectively exercise its functions.
  2. There is a designated head of the institution who is qualified, competent, experienced and available on full time basis to effectively run the affairs of the institution. The head of institution shall fulfill the requirements of Chapter Six of the Constitution of Kenya 2010 or its equivalent.
  3. There are structures in place to ensure continuity of operations in instances where the head of institution is away from duty.
  4. There is a system in place to periodically evaluate the performance of the head of the institution.
  5. The institution has a clearly defined organisational structure that delineates the responsibility for the formulation and administration of institutional policies. The institution’s decision making processes are clear and consistent with its training mission and support institutional effectiveness.
  6. The management establishes and maintains appropriate channels of communication among its members, trainers, staff and students.
  7. The management is free from undue influence from political, religious or other external bodies and actively protects the institution from such influence.
  8. The institution has qualified and competent administrative staff whose performance is regularly evaluated and appropriate improvements made on identified performance gaps.
  9. The institution has a policy addressing non-discrimination on the basis of race, ethnicity, religion, culture, national origin, gender, disability or age.
  10. The institution has a policy whereby management, trainers and staff can be dismissed only for appropriate reasons and through a fair process.
  11. The institution has a code of ethics to regulate the conduct of the Board or Council, management, staff, trainers and students.
  12. The institution has put in place measures to ensure awareness and adherence by students to the Code of Conduct and Ethics for kasneb students.
  13. The system of governance makes provision for the consideration of trainers’, staff and students’ views as appropriate in matters in which they have a direct and reasonable interest for instance in terms of their welfare in the institution.
  14. Where an institution has satellite/off-site campuses or branches all under a single overall authority, the division of operational authority and responsibilities between the main institution and the campuses or branches is clear and documented.
  15. The institution has risk management and internal quality assurance systems aimed at ensuring continuous evaluation and improvement of institutional policies, processes and procedures and effective mitigation against risks.
  16. The institution maintains annual financial statements in conformity with the requirements of relevant legislation and accounting standards as appropriate.
  17. The institution is financially stable. There is adequate liquidity to meet short term obligations. Financial performance trends over the past three years or since commencement of operations, whichever is shorter, support the institution’s going concern assumption. The capital structure/leverage provides reasonable assurance of the institution’s long-term financial strength.
  18. Financial statements showing institutional performance, financial position and cash flows at least for the past three years, or since commencement of training where the institution is less than three years old, are readily available for inspection.
  19. The institution ensures the integrity of its finances through prudent financial management. The overall responsibilities for the finance function are under a person with relevant qualifications and experience in accounting and/or finance taking cognisance of the nature and scope of work.
  20. The institution has put in place mechanisms and controls to ensure that all monies collected from students on behalf of kasneb are properly accounted for and remitted on time to kasneb.
  21. The institution operates within established laws and regulations.


The training institution employs an adequate number of trainers on full-time and/or part-time basis with appropriate qualifications, competence and experience to deliver high quality learning programmes to students pursuing kasneb courses.

  1. The number of trainers is adequate taking into account the number of kasneb courses and other programmes offered at the institution and the student population pursuing the courses. There is a balance of workload in order to provide trainers with adequate time for lesson preparation, research, consultation with students and other trainers and professional growth. There are breaks in the timetable that provide for a total of at least one (1) hour per day for students to consult with their trainers.
  2. Trainers hold relevant qualifications related to the subject and level/part of the kasneb examination in which they are providing the training. When determining appropriate qualifications that a trainer should hold in the professional, diploma or technician courses, the institution considers possession of a kasneb professional certificate in the particular area of training as basic for those trainers of subjects in which kasneb offers a professional qualification in their area of expertise, such as accounting (CPA), finance (CIFA), governance and management (CS), ICT (CICT) and credit management (CCP). For trainers in other specialised areas for which kasneb does not offer a professional qualification, such as law, economics and entrepreneurship, the institution considers possession of an undergraduate degree as basic.
  3. Trainers are registered with the relevant professional bodies governing their field of specialisation.
  4. Trainers prepare documented work plans indicating how they intend to cover the syllabus during the semester. These work plans are approved, reviewed and updated as appropriate.
  5. Trainers, as part of delivering the learning programmes, encourage team-work and interpersonal communication by, among other ways, using group assignments and class presentations. This enables students to interact with others, present, discuss, report and defend views, listen and interact with culturally and intellectually diverse people and is aligned with International Education Standard (IES) 3 – Professional skills and general education.
  6. Trainers use participative approaches to impart professional values, ethics and attitudes to students. These shall include the use of teaching materials such as multi-dimensional case studies, role playing, discussions of selected readings and videos, analysis of real-life business situations involving ethical dilemmas, discussions of disciplinary pronouncements and findings and seminars using speakers with experience of corporate or professional decision making. This is aligned with International Education Standard (IES) 4 – Professional values, ethics and attitudes.
  7. Trainers dedicate at least 80 course hours per paper in each semester.
  8. The institution has in place mechanisms to ensure it attracts and retains qualified and competent trainers to deliver the learning programmes.
  9. The institution facilitates regular and systematic evaluation of trainers in order to enhance effectiveness in delivery of learning programmes. Proper feedback is provided to trainers to enable improvement in delivery of learning programmes.
  10. The institution continuously evaluates student progress in the learning programmes through continuous assessment tests (CATs), assignments and other methods. CATs are administered at least once a month and are
    compulsory for all students as per institutional policy. The management maintains a record of student performance in the CATs and assignments during the semester.
  11. Regular meetings are held between trainers and management during which issues of common interest are discussed.
  12. The institution has an orderly process for the recruitment and appointment of full time and part time trainers.
  13. At least twenty five per cent of the trainers are on full time basis.
  14. The institution has put in place measures to ensure its trainers are regularly trained on pedagogy for effective delivery of learning programmes. The nature and mode of pedagogy training should be in line with the established standards and guidelines including those issued by the Technical and Vocational Education and Training Authority (TVETA).


The training institution has sufficient and appropriate physical and technological resources, whether owned or rented, that facilitate effective delivery of learning programmes and provision of support services to students pursuing kasneb courses.

A General requirements

  1. The institution’s physical and technological resources including but not limited to classrooms, lecture halls/theatres, staff common room(s), computer laboratories, ICT infrastructure and accessories, books and other reference materials, sanitation facilities and grounds are adequate and of appropriate quality to contribute effectively to the realisation of the training mission of the institution.
  2. The buildings used by the institution are constructed and maintained in accordance with the Building Code, Public Health Act, Ministry of Education’s Health and Safety Regulations and other applicable legal requirements to ensure access, safety including fire safety, security, cleanliness and a healthy and conducive environment for learning. The special needs of particular categories of persons, such as the physically challenged, have been considered as far as possible in building design and facilities provided.
  3. Classrooms, computer laboratories and other facilities for learning are adequate in size, well illuminated and ventilated. Unless otherwise ventilated, each classroom has been provided with windows, the effective area of which is not less than twenty (20) per cent of the floor area. The layout of chairs and other furniture in a classroom, computer laboratory and other teaching spaces should be such that movement of the students and the lecturer within or into/from the classroom is not constrained. In all circumstances, each student in a classroom or auditorium/lecture theatre should be able to follow the teaching session without strain, either in hearing or seeing and engage the lecturer as appropriate.
  4. The institution provides adequate, suitable and clean sanitary conveniences separated on the basis of gender.
  5. The institution has a library which may either be a physical or digital library. For a physical library, the institution has sufficient and appropriate books and other reference material for use by students. For each of the papers under the kasneb courses on offer at the institution, there should be at least one book from the recommended reading list issued by kasneb. As a minimum, the ratio of reference books relevant to a particular paper to the number of students studying for that paper should not exceed 1:20.
  6. The capacity of the physical library is adequate to accommodate at least one third (1/3) of all full-time students at any one time.
  7. The institution undertakes physical and technological resource planning. On a periodical basis, the institution determines the adequacy of existing physical and technological resources and undertakes appropriate action where gaps are identified.


B. Additional requirements for institutions offering or intending to offer training for DICT, CICT or other ICT courses examined by kasneb
An institution offering or intending to offer DICT, CICT or other ICT courses examinable by kasneb has the following additional ICT facilities as a minimum:
(i) An appropriate operating system such as Microsoft Windows 7 or a higher version of a Windows based operating system, Linux or other operating system.
An institution should seek clarification from kasneb on the suitability of a particular operating system or any other ICT facility when necessary.
(ii) Appropriate application software suite such as Microsoft Office 2007 or a higher version, or OpenOffice.
(iii) An adequate number of computers with sufficient processing capacity to match the nature of the course and number of students pursuing the course. The computer to students ratio for training purposes should be 1:1. Computers and other technological resources are maintained in proper operating condition and are inventoried, controlled, replaced and upgraded as appropriate. The computers are networked with internet access where required for preparing candidates in particular papers.
(iv) Appropriate programming languages have been facilitate training for those papers in which the required and specified.

The specific programming languages are specified in the table below.

(v) Appropriate and adequate power back-up facilities.
(vi) Sufficient printing capacity taking into cognisance the number of students.
(vii) Computer tool kits for maintenance and support and for training in relevant papers.
(viii) Other ICT accessories such as routers, bridges, modems, switches and terminating tools where appropriate.

C. Additional requirements for training institutions offering or intending to offer kasneb programmes through Distance and E-Learning (DEL)
(i) An institution wishing to train for kasneb courses through DEL shall be registered with the relevant Ministry or established by an Act of Parliament, and/or any other regulatory authority as applicable.
(ii) There shall be a planned and controlled process for the development, approval and review of course material to be delivered through DEL. The process shall be undertaken by qualified and competent staff.
(iii) The course material for DEL shall be adequate and of appropriate standards to give students a reasonable chance of success in their examinations. The features
of effective course material shall include the following:

  • Clear layout and format used consistently.
  • Clear and appropriate learning outcomes harmonised with the kasneb syllabuses.
  • Content divided and presented into topics, modules, units and lectures as appropriate.
  • Clear explanation of technical terms.
  • Use of illustrations and examples appropriate to the paper and level of study. The student should be kept actively involved through the use of text and self-assessment questions and other activities involving application of knowledge and skills.
  • Clear guide to the students in terms of time allocation including the average time to be spent on each topic.
  • Situations and feedback to self-assessment questions to show the student his/her performance and progress.
  • Topic summaries at the end of each topic.
  • Well directed and specific references at the end of each topic or the paper.
  • Free from errors, misleading or outdated information, concepts or approaches.

(iv) The curricula and structure for the DEL shall be comparable to that of classroombased learning.
(v) There shall be adequate and appropriate technological and other facilities to support DEL at the institution’s premises including:

  • Computer rooms with broadband internet and e-mail connectivity.
  • Library (with books, journals, CDs, DVDs and cassettes as appropriate).
  • Reading rooms/seminar rooms.
  • Audio/tele/video conferencing facilities and equipment where appropriate.
  • Appropriate technical support staff for the infrastructure, trainers and students.
  • Reliable technical services in terms of back-up and remote services.

(vi) There shall be an effective administrative structure which shall include those
responsible for management of:

  • Development of study materials;
  • Production and distribution of study materials;
  • Student support services;
  • Information and records systems;
  • Student assessment;
  • Monitoring, evaluation and research.

(vii) There shall be appropriate orientation to trainers and students on the DEL to ensure efficient and effective delivery of kasneb programmes.

The training institution provides essential support services to students pursuing kasneb courses and demonstrates commitment to address students’ academic and personal welfare.

  • The institution takes reasonable steps to ensure the safety of students and their property while at the institution or attending to institutional activities.
  • The institution provides academic and career advisory services and assists students access employment/internship opportunities.
  • The institution provides guidance and counseling services on personal issues and provides awareness to students on other issues of interest such as HIV/AIDS and drugs and alcohol abuse.
  • There are mechanisms for handling student complaints with appropriate appeal channels.
  • The institution supports student leadership initiatives and promotes tenets of democracy and good governance.
  • The institution has an orientation programme for new students where information on student services available, various policies governing student relationship withthe institution and other information relevant to students is communicated.
  • The institution provides students with an opportunity to evaluate the performance of management, trainers and staff.
  • The institution periodically evaluates the appropriateness, adequacy and utilization of student services.
  • The institution provides students with an environment and support services that encourage innovation and entrepreneurship.
  • The institution has put in place deliberate programmes or mechanisms to promote professional and ethical culture among students.


The accreditation (operational) rules set out the provisions for the implementation of the accreditation mandate of kasneb.

The following steps shall be followed in the accreditation process:

  • A registered training institution offering or intending to offer kasneb courses shall apply to kasneb either for full accreditation or interim accreditation. Training institutions are strongly advised to assess their state of compliance with the accreditation standards before applying for either full or interim accreditation.
  • All training institutions wishing to apply for full accreditation shall complete Form ACF I.
  • All training institutions wishing to apply for interim accreditation shall complete Form ACF II.
  • Interim accreditation will be for a non-renewable period of eighteen months (equivalent to one and a half years) and is intended to provide a training institution with an opportunity to address any areas of non-compliance with the accreditation standards before applying for full accreditation. A training institution that has been granted interim accreditation shall be required to apply for full accreditation at least sixty (60) days before the expiry of the interim certificate of accreditation.
  • Full accreditation will be for a period of five (5) years and will be renewable.
    Application for renewal of accreditation shall be made at least ninety (90) days before the expiry of the certificate of accreditation.
    (f) Application for accreditation and other relevant forms are available at kasneb Towers, various Huduma Centres in which kasneb’s services are available, Kenya National Library Service (KNLS) branches or downloaded from the kasneb website:
    (g) The duly completed application form together with the relevant supporting documents and evidence of payment of the applicable fees shall be submitted to:

The Chief Executive Officer
P.O. Box 41362 – 00100

Details on the accreditation fees payable by training institutions are presented in Part IV of these guidelines.
(h) kasneb shall acknowledge receipt of an application for accreditation from an institution within fourteen (14) days of receipt by kasneb.
(i) Following receipt of the application form together with the relevant documents and fees, kasneb shall arrange to visit the institution for purposes of authenticating the information provided.
(j) kasneb shall endeavour to provide details of the date, time and persons to conduct the assessment visit to training institutions in good time but not less than seven (7) days before the planned assessment date.
(k) An assessment of the institution shall then be undertaken within thirty (30) days of the visitation.

The assessment of an institution may result in either one of the following decisions as appropriate in each case:

(a) Grant of full accreditation
Full accreditation will be granted for a period of five (5) years. Renewal of accreditation for institutions whose full accreditation has expired will also be for a period of five (5) years.
For an institution to be granted full accreditation, or for renewal of accreditation, the institution must be fully registered and substantially meet all the requirements under the accreditation standards.

(b) Grant of interim accreditation
Interim accreditation will be granted for a period of eighteen (18) months, which is equivalent to one and a half years.
An institution that does not meet the requirements for full accreditation may be considered for interim accreditation, provided that the institution is registered (full or provisional) and meets most of the requirements under the
accreditation standards. Any identified gaps should be able to be addressed in a period not exceeding eighteen (18) months.
The certificate of accreditation and the interim certificate of accreditation shall remain the property of kasneb at all times. The certificate shall be prominently displayed at the premises of the institution but must be returned
to kasneb within fourteen (14) days of its expiry or revocation.

(c) Deferment of decision on accreditation
An institution that does not meet the requirements for either full accreditation or interim accreditation, but shows evidence of progress towards meeting these requirements, may be deferred for a period considered appropriate, usually not exceeding six (6) months, to meet these requirements. This is a temporary decision designed to provide further guidance and time for the institution to correct certain deficiencies or supply additional information within a specified time period.

(d) Issue of a warning notice to an institution
Where kasneb finds that an institution has pursued a course of action which, if continued, could lead to more serious sanctions, it may issue the institution with a written warning to correct its deficiencies, to refrain from certain activities or to initiate certain activities within a stated period of time.
A warning notice shall not affect the current status of an institution.

(e) Issue of a show-cause order
When an institution has not taken satisfactory steps to comply with the standards of accreditation even after issue of a warning notice, kasneb may require the institution to show cause, within a specified period, why it should not be discontinued from training students for kasneb courses, or where the institution is already accredited, why its accreditation status should not be revoked.

(f) Denial of accreditation
Where an institution does not meet the conditions for either full accreditation, interim accreditation or deferment of accreditation, or is issued with a warning letter or a show cause order and does not conclusively address the issues raised within the specified time frame, then the institution may be denied accreditation.
A denial of accreditation is subject to appeal (see Rules on Appeal). An applicant institution that has been denied accreditation will not be allowed to train students for courses examinable by kasneb. However, where the institution has continuing learning programmes for students pursuing kasneb courses, it shall be allowed to continue providing tuition for the students until the scheduled end of the particular semester, after which it shall not be allowed to continue offering training for courses examinable by kasneb.
An institution that has been denied accreditation may reapply afresh for accreditation but after a period of not less than six (6) months since the date of notice for denial of accreditation, or the end of the last training semester
for kasneb courses, or the date of notice of loss of appeal, whichever is later. Such an institution shall bear the full cost of the visitation and inspection by kasneb. kasneb may reject to consider any further application for accreditation from an institution that has been previously denied accreditation for two consecutive times.

(g) Termination of accreditation.
Where an accredited institution has not satisfactorily corrected deficiencies or taken other actions within a specified time frame as required by kasneb, its accreditation status may be terminated. Unless the institution has a pending
appeal, the certificate of accreditation issued to the institution shall be withdrawn and the institution shall be required to surrender the certificate to kasneb within fourteen (14) days of the withdrawal. However, where the
institution has continuing learning programmes for students pursuing kasneb courses, it shall be allowed to continue with tuition for the students until the scheduled end of the particular semester, after which it shall no longer be
allowed to offer training for courses examinable by kasneb. An institution whose accreditation status has been withdrawn may reapply afresh for accreditation but after a period of not less than six (6) months from the date of
the notice for termination of accreditation, or the end of the last training semester for kasneb courses, or the date of notice of loss of appeal, whichever is later. Such an institution shall bear the full cost of the visitation and inspection by kasneb. Where an appellant institution loses an appeal, it shall surrender the certificate to kasneb within fourteen (14) days of the notice of loss of appeal.

A fully accredited institution shall be required to undertake a self-evaluation at least once a year by completing Form ACF V and submitting the form to kasneb on or before the anniversary of the certificate issue date. Form ACF V will also be available at the offices of kasneb, the Kenya National Library Service (KNLS) branches, Huduma Centres or downloaded from the kasneb website. However, in spite of the self-evaluation, the monitoring of the training institutions by kasneb shall be on a regular basis including through impromptu visits.

(a) Each branch or campus of an institution, whether based in Kenya or in a foreign country, shall be treated as an independent entity and shall be inspected and provided with a separate certificate of accreditation.
However, where the branch or campus is within close proximity of the institution and there is evidence of shared facilities and resources including trainers and library, the branch or campus may be treated as part of the
main institution for accreditation purposes.
(b) An institution based in a foreign country shall be required to be fully authorised by the relevant regulatory and accreditation authorities, if any, in its country of operation, besides meeting the accreditation criteria of kasneb. Where a conflict arises between the accreditation standards and rules adopted by kasneb and those adopted by accreditation agencies in the foreign country, the accreditation standards and rules of kasneb shall prevail.

kasneb may engage agents to undertake the monitoring of training institutions or any other accreditation related activity on its behalf. The requirements for appointment as agents, including the academic, professional and ethical
requirements shall be prescribed by kasneb based on the nature of each assignment.

(a) kasneb shall maintain a register of accredited institutions and publish it as appropriate through the kasneb Newsline, kasneb website and other media as it may deem fit.
(b) The register of accredited institutions will be updated from time to time as appropriate.

(a) kasneb is obligated to monitor the effect of a substantive change on the validity of an institution’s accreditation status. A change is considered to be substantive if it affects the institution’s compliance with any of the accreditation standards, or results into additional programmes, facilities, other resources or circumstances not previously assessed by kasneb and which impact on the training for kasneb courses.
Examples of substantive changes include:

  • Introduction of additional kasneb courses unless the additional course introduced is at the diploma level or technician level of the professional course currently offered by the institution, such as Accounting
    Technicians Diploma (ATD) course being introduced in an institution already offering the Certified Public Accountants (CPA) course.
  • Change in legal status, sponsorship, form of control or ownership including merger with another institution.
  • Establishment of a branch or satellite campus which intends to offer kasneb courses.
  • Contractual agreements with non-accredited institutions where the latter intend to offer training in kasneb courses on behalf of the former.
  • Commencement of distant or online learning programmes.
  • Any other change likely to affect the institution’s compliance with the standards for accreditation including significant changes in management, lecturers and staff, physical facilities, financial stability and location of the

(b) Any accredited training institution which intends to introduce any substantive change shall first seek approval from the Ministry or other regulatory authority as appropriate before applying for reassessment of its accreditation status by kasneb. This is because such a substantive change may require the institution to apply for a new registration certificate.
(c) An institution that obtains approval under (b) above shall thereafter inform kasneb in writing within thirty (30) days obtaining the approval. kasneb shall thereafter communicate to the institution when a reassessment shall be made for purposes of accreditation.

(a) An institution that is aggrieved by a decision made by kasneb in relation to accreditation may appeal to the Chief Executive Officer. The appeal shall be submitted to kasneb in writing within thirty (30) days of the institution’s receipt of the accreditation decision from kasneb
(b) Upon receipt of a valid appeal by kasneb, the status quo with regard to the institution’s accreditation status shall be maintained until the conclusion of the appeal process.
(c) The appellant institution shall state the grounds for the appeal and provide relevant documents, exhibits, testimonies and any other information to support the appeal. The appeal shall be accompanied by the appropriate lodgement fee as specified in PART IV of these guidelines. Appeal fees once paid shall not be refunded.
(d) An appeal shall be based on one or more of the following grounds:

  • That substantial errors or omissions were made in carrying out prescribed procedures which affected the accreditation decision.
  • The evidence before kasneb at the time the accreditation decision was made was materially in error.
  • The decision by kasneb was not adequately supported by the facts before it at the time, or it was contrary to the substantial weight of the evidence availed to kasneb.

(e) On receipt of an appeal from an institution, the Chief Executive Officer shall constitute an independent committee to review the appeal. The committee may include members of the Board or any of its committees or technical committee.
The Technical and Vocational Education and Training Authority (TVETA) may be invited to observe the appeal hearings. The committee shall make its own rules of procedure. The committee shall communicate its decision to the Chief Executive Officer within twenty one (21) days of its appointment.
(f) The Chief Executive Officer shall thereafter communicate the decision to the appellant institution.
(g) The decision arrived at by an appeals committee will be considered as final by both kasneb and the appellant institution and neither party shall pursue the matter any further.

(a) kasneb will consider complaints against an institution provided the complaints are considered justifiable, are documented and are related to the standards for accreditation and/or accreditation rules.
(b) Where a complaint is documented, or a pattern or practice appears to be present when considering past complaints against an institution, the Head of the institution concerned will be notified within fourteen (14) days of receiving the complaint and requested to forward a reply to the Secretary.
(c) The response from the Head of the institution concerned will be analysed to determine institutional compliance with the standards and rules for accreditation.
A visit to the institution shall be undertaken where necessary.
(d) Where the institution is judged not to be in compliance with the accreditation standards and rules, kasneb may pursue either of the following actions:

  • Make recommendations to the institution suggesting areas for improvement.
  • Determine that the institution is in contravention of the accreditation standards and rules and require action by the institution within a specified period. The period specified will be determined by the circumstances of each case but shall not exceed three (3) months.

(a) In carrying out the accreditation process, kasneb shall ensure that its decisions are based solely on the application of professional judgement. Therefore, kasneb shall at all times avoid instances of conflict of interest in relation to the evaluation and determination of the accreditation status of an institution, handling of complaints and appeals.
(b) Certain affiliations, relationships and associations may disqualify a person from participation in the accreditation process in relation to a particular institution.
Examples of such affiliations, relationships and associations include:

  • Current employee of the institution.
  • Former employee of the institution within five (5) years.
  • Board member (or equivalent) of the institution within five (5) years.
  • Consultant of the institution within five (5) years.
  • Graduate of the institution within five (5) years.
  • Knowledge or personal interest concerning the institution under review from whatever source which might prejudice independence of judgement or decision making.
  • Affiliation with another institution in which the institution being accredited has a significant interest.
  • Having a close relative working for or studying in an institution.

(c) Certain affiliations, relationships and associations may require disclosure but shall not disqualify a person from participation in the accreditation process in relation to a particular institution. Examples include:

  • Former employee of the institution, Board member or equivalent, consultant or graduate for a period beyond five years to the relevant date of engagement in the accreditation of the institution.
  • Having a relative other than a close relative working for or studying in the institution.
  • Being involved in past or ongoing litigation with the institution.



(Whether registered in Kenya or in a foreign country)

(a) Accreditation fee

Type of accreditation Fee payable (Kenya shillings)
(i) Interim accreditation (eighteen months) 10,000
(ii) Full accreditation (five years) 40,000
(ii) Renewal of accreditation (five years) 30,000

(b) Appeal lodgement fee 5,000

(Whether registered in Kenya, the country of operation or in any other foreign country)

(a) Accreditation fee
Type of accreditation Fee payable (US Dollars)
(i) Interim accreditation (eighteen months) 200
(ii) Full accreditation (five years) 600
(ii) Renewal of accreditation (five years) 450
(b) Appeal lodgement fee 150

Fees once paid shall not be refundable. Fees shall be payable in either cash (at the offices of kasneb), cheque, money order or through direct deposit to the kasneb Bank Account whose details are provided below:

Name of Bank: National Bank of Kenya (NBK)
Branch: Hill Branch, Nairobi, Kenya
Account No: 0100131572600
Branch code: 120042

For institutions operating in Kenya, the fees may be deposited directly to the account at any branch of NBK in Kenya. A copy of the deposit slip must be attached to the application or appeal documents.


The Guidelines for Accreditation of Training Institutions (2017) shall take effect from 1 July 2017.


kasneb shall undertake a periodic and systematic review of the Guidelines for Accreditation of Training Institutions (2017) to ensure their continued relevance and compliance with international best practice.


The Guidelines for Accreditation of Training Institutions (2010) shall be withdrawn and repealed upon coming into effect of the revised Guidelines for Accreditation of Training Institutions (2017).


Core requirements for accreditation

The core requirements are broad quality statements that express KASNEB’s basic expectation of training institutions seeking accreditation. The requirements serve as general guidelines since training institutions will be expected to adhere to the detailed Standards of Accreditation presented in Part II of these guidelines.

In order to be accredited, a training institution shall provide documented evidence to the effect that the institution:

  • Is registered with the relevant Ministry or established by an Act of Parliament, and/or any other regulatory authorities as appropriate.
  • Has an effective governance and administration structure designed to promote institutional integrity, autonomy and flexibility of operations.
  • Has an adequate number of qualified and competent teaching and administrative staff to facilitate delivery of uninterrupted learning programmes to students.
  • Has adequate and appropriate lecture halls/classrooms and staff common room(s).
  • Has a library which is suitably and adequately stocked.
  • Has adequate and appropriate technological resources, particularly where the institution trains in ICT courses examinable by KASNEB.
  • Has other physical and sanitation facilities which are adequate and of appropriate quality.
  • Has a sound financial base and demonstrated financial stability to support its programmes and services.
  • Has put in place systems to safeguard finances and other monies collected on behalf of KASNEB.
  • Has developed policies and procedures for the selection, appraisal and development of the teaching and administrative staff and for assessment of students’ performance and progress.
  • Has an internal quality assurance system aimed at ensuring continuous evaluation and improvement of institutional policies, processes and procedures


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