10.0 Introduction
The government of Kenya has been involved in human resource issues in both the private sector and the public sector. For instance, the development of the HRD Policy for Public Service of Kenya was necessitated by the challenges that were faced in training and capacity building processes in the Kenya Public Service since independence. Training was hitherto guided by administrative circulars, human resource General letters and various guidelines issued to the Service from time to time.

10.1 Human Resource Development Policy
The formulation of a comprehensive HRD Policy was therefore part of the Government efforts to improve efficiency and effectiveness in service delivery. In the past Kenyan Public Service had paid scanty attention to Performance Management. As part of the reform initiatives undertaken by the Government, Performance Management has taken centre stage as a priority area for the Government in its efforts to respond to the needs of the Public in terms of service delivery.

10.2 Role of the government in human resource development
The government provides funding of training and capacity building programmes in the Public Service. It also ensures optimal staffing levels in the service, recruiting human resource on the basis of knowledge, skills and experience, and providing the cases for succession management. It emphasizes demand driven and cost effective training that responds to service delivery requirements and seeks to facilitate career growth in the Public Service.

10.3 Government Institutions Involved In Human Resource Issues
Ministry of Labour
Its Core Functions include:
1. Promotion of harmonious industrial relations in the country.
2. To ensure compliance with labour laws, international labour standards and codes of practice
3. as well as review of labour standards and domestication of international conventions and
4. recommendations
5. Promotion of best practices of occupational safety and health in all workplaces
6. To plan, development and promotion of effective utilization of human resources
7. Judicial determination of trade disputes and registration of Collective Bargaining Agreements
8. (CBAs)
9. Facilitation of the development of micro and small enterprises.
10. Provision of labour market information
11. To ensure availability of skilled manpower for the industry
12. Promotion of productivity improvement
13. Provision of social security through National Social Security Fund (NSSF)

Industrial Court of Kenya
The Industrial Court of Kenya has been one of the country’s pillars for maintenance of industrial peace. It was established under the Trade Dispute Act, Cap. 234, (Repealed) and Laws of Kenya and implement the following mandate:

1. To hear and determine industrial disputes that are referred to it by the Minister for Labour;
2. To register Collective Bargaining Agreements (CBAs) between employers and workers;
3. To promote the spirit of tripartism between Government, employers and employees.

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