1. It promotes peaceful coexistence/ maintenance of law and order/ prevents anarchy
2. It is a standard setting and control mechanism. Law sets standards of behaviour and conduct in various areas such as manufacturing, construction, trade e.g. The law also acts as a control mechanism of the same behaviour
3. It protects rights and enforces duties by providing remedies whenever these rights or duties are not honoured.
4. Facilitating and effectuating private choice. It enables persons to make choices and gives them legal effect. This is best exemplified by the law of contracts, marriage and succession.
5. It resolves social conflicts. Since conflicts are inevitable, the rule of law facilitates their resolution by recognizing the conflicts and providing the necessary resolution mechanism.
6. It controls and structures public power. Rules of law govern various organs of Government and confer upon them the powers exercisable by them. The law creates a limited Government. This promotes good
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